Prime Minister Edi Rama inspected the ongoing construction work on a series of important infrastructure and development projects in Vlora district this weekend. Work is progressing rapidly on the two newest construction sites in the tourist city, namely the Independence Museum park and the Transballkanike road extension project, two important projects designed to transform the city’s historic harbour into a major and perfect tourist destination. The impact of these projects on the city’s life, local economy and tourism is expected to become clearly evident at the start of the next year’s tourist season. “It has been traditionally and historically called a trans-Balkan road, but it failed to ever become as such and live up by its name. This is the last segment. Thanks to this investment, the road is extended to the port of Vlora,” the Mayor of the coastal southern city, Dritan Leli said.
The investment affects a number of local residents and businesses, who are eligible to expropriation in line with the law, whereas the citizens failing to provide the required property ownership documents will be granted housing rental bonus. “A City Council decision will be made to grant a three-year bonus rent to families that lack the property ownership documents, until construction of the social housing buildings completes, with the affected families due to be given high priority,” Leli said.
The two projects are expected to have a significant impact on the economy, employment and the city’s international image as a tourist destination. New hotels, restaurants, shops and residential buildings will be built in the area of the new tourist port, while relocating the cargo port to Triport will transform it into a new port that meets highest international standards.