“Haradinaj Brothers” school in the village of Rrashbull, Durres municipality, has been built from scratch following the structural damage the building sustained due to the devastating earthquake last November. The new school is now stronger, better and more beautiful than the old building. More than 30 educational facilities are being built in line with highest construction standards in the central municipality of Durres as part of the ongoing post-earthquake reconstruction program.
Around 530 pupils of “Haradinaj Brothers” school will enjoy spaces for contemporary education and standards for habitability equal to their peers in every European country, Prime Minister Rama said as he visited the new school premises.
“Maintaining the school is now your challenge,” the Premier said addressing students and teachers.
The new school houses a library, labs, and sport grounds up to European standards. “The new school also features a heating system and state-of-the-art equipment. The building has 23 classrooms and four labs,” Durres Mayor Emiriana Sako said.
The reconstruction process continues rapidly in a bid to complete building not only single-family homes, as well as the educational facilities in the quake-affected areas and all over the country. The Minister of State for Reconstruction Arben Ahemtaj said that “Haradinaj Brothers” school is one of the 155 educational facilities being built through funds provided by the international donors and the internal resources. Construction of 30 of them is set to complete ahead of December 31 and 30 more educational facilities are expected to complete by end of January,” Ahmetaj said.