The town of Thumane, one of the areas worst hit by the devastating earthquake on November 26, 2019, has ushered in a new stage of construction work on the single-family homes and the multifamily residential as part of the ongoing post-earthquake reconstruction programme. Construction of 14 apartment buildings and 156 single-family homes is slated to complete by end of the year to provide decent housing for all quake-affected families who lost their homes on the tragic night that hit hard the area.
Prime Minister Edi Rama, accompanied by the State Minister for Reconstruction Arben Ahmetaj, toured the construction site in Thumane after inspecting the site in the north-western town of Laç earlier.
“Construction of 156 single-family homes has entered final stage. The project to rehabilitate the outdoor spaces is funded by the Albanian Development Fund. Our objective is to fully complete construction of the single-family homes by November 26. In the meantime, work is also progressing to construct 14 residential buildings housing 278 apartments and the new school. The ground floor of the apartment buildings is designed to serve as community and economic service units,” Reconstruction Minister Ahmetaj said.
In addition to the housing units, the new residential neighbourhood in Thumane will feature green spaces and sports grounds for the community, including basketball court and a football pitch. “This is a neighbourhood like any residential complex in every European city. It delivers best European standards,” the Premier said.