Prime Minister Edi Rama and the Director of the Agency for Dialogue and Co-Governance Eridana Çano unveiled the findings of the National Consultation, an extraordinary process, according to the government head, in terms of the volume and intensity of communication with the citizens.
According to official data, a total of 563.195 citizens responded to 12 policy areas included in the “National Consultation” questionnaire launched in January with the survey replies sent back to the government by post, online, and in street stands established in every municipality across Albania.
In his remarks at a press conference to present the findings of the national survey, PM Rama said it is now the government duty to transform the citizens’ replies into concrete action plans.
“Given that it was a first-time survey with so many unknowns and dilemmas for us too, what matters most is that we reward the trust of all the citizens who joined the process, regardless of their opinion, and give them back what they deserve, namely our commitment and dedication so that their voice is heard with respect and their opinions be transformed into concrete implementation plans to the direction they have guided us through their participation. This is the Alfa in order for the National Consultation process to grow, further consolidate and attract more and more citizens, regardless of their political beliefs and without distinction in any aspect and while maintaining confidentiality,” PM Rama said,
The Head of the Agency for Dialogue and Co-Governance provided more details around the process launched on January 19 and was officially closed on March 31 this year.
“It was a questionnaire containing 12 questions with three alternative answers to each that was addressed to every Albanian citizen over 18 and the questionnaire has been totally anonymous. The Process was managed and coordinated by the Agency for Dialogue and Co-Governance, while the envilipes were delivered by the Albanian Postal Service, and the findings are finally processed by the National Institute of Statistics, INSTAT,” Çano explained.
According to Prime Minister Rama, it will be the citizens themselves who will give opinions on the topics that should be included in the next questionnaire as part of the ongoing National Consultation process.