Prime Minister Edi Rama on Tuesday joined local residents in a ceremony in Valias, Tirana, as a total of 112 new housing units were handed over to the families that lost their dwellings in the devastating earthquake that hit Albania in November 2019. In his remarks at the ceremony, the government head said he was pleased to see the newly-built homes opening doors for a considerable number of families that will be housed on the residential complex, where the rest of quake-affected families will soon move into their new dwellings as construction work on this post-earthquake reconstruction sit is almost complete.
‘’The finishing touches are being put on the new apartment homes, while we keep closely cooperating with the Mayor to complete rehabilitation of urban spaces, appropriate accessible locations of community infrastructure, such as sports and recreational facilities both for somehow older boys and girls, as well as the playgrounds for kids,” the Premier added.
“What matters most and I proudly reiterate is that all these apartments are now yours and they are provided for free and your families are entitled the ownership of these properties. This is of course the case for every affected resident, regardless their political convictions and affiliations, including the majority of local residents here, who are obviously DP supporters, but they can rightly smile and laugh their hearts out as they are being granted new homes for free, and are not being evicted from their homes,” PM Rama said.
In his remarks, PM Rama said:
“The post-earthquake reconstruction programme was designed to deliver equally to everyone, regardless of the political affiliations, regardless of the provincial background, regardless of religion and despite everything else. It is a programme precisely designed for everyone as human beings, as Albanians, as this country’s citizens who enjoy equal rights and, I am sorry about the DP supporters here, but this is a programme that can be designed and implemented by the Socialist Party of Albania only, like it or not. That’s why we are providing you housing and new homes so that we can stand by you and we will treat you very well.
As many as 21 kindergartens and school buildings have been constructed in Kamez Municipality. And not only that, but one of the kindergartens here in Kamez has been awarded an international prize as one of the most beautiful kindergartens built in 2020 in Europe.
This is another promise kept. And we continue working as many other quake-affected families in Tirana, Durres and elsewhere are still waiting to move into their new homes.
The day will certainly come when foreign tourists would visit Kamëz too.
The Deputy Prime Minister already touched upon the other issue, as in addition to this new homes that are part of the reconstruction programme, the government – the one you are seeking to topple at any cost – actually keeps paying the difference of the electricity price for each and every one of you, so that none of you see the electricity price rising. And the electricity price won’t be increased. But one should not forget that the difference of the increased price already covered and paid by the government is higher than the actual electricity price you currently pay. This is being done for everyone indiscriminately, without exercising discernment! I would like to point out that work is full steam ahead so that we can deliver on all those already clear decisions after the national consultation process. We will press ahead with the legalizations of primarily the savings of the migrants, as well as all Albanian citizens, who used to work abroad and take up illegal occupations or involve in unreported employment, whose savings generated through work and not criminal activities will now be formalized and legalized. We will also provide special support for mothers with three or more children.
I really wish may your new homes be filled with health and happiness. These houses are now all yours for free and you all are granted the ownership certificates!
The post-earthquake Reconstruction Programme has totally transformed Valias, one of the villages in Kamez Municipality, which have sustained severe damages in the devastating earthquake two years ago. The government declared the new site for construction and development in Valias under a contemporary infrastructural project, comprising three residential blocks, 20 multi-family apartment complexes with four and five-storey buildings.
Work is now complete on construction of 112 new apartments in the first residential complex, which were handed over to the families that lost their houses in the devastating earthquake on November 26, 2019.
Prime Minister Edi Rama joined local residents in the ceremony of handing over the first batch of the new housing units, while work is underway on construction of two more residential blocks.