Today, Prime Minister Rama followed closely the written test of the candidates “Teachers for Albania”, in one of the centres where it is held, the school “Bajram Curri” in Durres.
Tests have been performed in 29 centres across 12 districts in the country, from 11.00 to 13.00 by candidates who have applied for over 2,000 vacancies for teachers.
Minister Nikolla, who accompanied Prime Minister Rama, briefed him on the progress of the testing process.
Minister Nikola noted that this way corruption in education is receiving the best answer, by restoring in schools quality and the authority figure of the teacher. “These are security conditions in the 29 testing locations, in 12 regions of the country. It’s the answer that we give corruption by creating a healthy system. Fight corruption and political appointments in education to restore quality, to restore the authority of teachers and build new values that pass through the schools that educate Europeans of European Albania.”
The Minister also informed that this testing will take place every year and throughout the year, while the new test is being prepared, candidates will be ready for every new vacancy so there will be no chances for corruption or whoever tries to affect the system.
While welcoming the successful progression of the process, the Prime Minister said that unfortunately honest teachers have been disappointed for many years from a rotten educated system, and that the ultimate solution is the change in the system. “We are all witnesses of how many disappointments have been experiences for years all those who tried to give a contribution in the education system, and how rotten this system has become because of people who entered it not because they deserved it, but because of bribes, clans, political pressures, party belonging, etc. We have said it since the beginning, it’s not the people who corrupt the system but it’s the other way round, and the fight against corruption is not a fight that can be done by replacing somebody with another one, but it’s a fight that requires a change in the system. For, by replacing the one with another, we just relocate the problem without solving it.”
The Prime Minister noted that implementing such practices is the deserved answer that cuts the road to corruption and open the doors to a transparent system of competition. “We put an end to a year-long chronic concern of people, parents and of all those who deserve to be teachers but cannot be teachers. On the other hand, we give a very clear and firm answer to corruption by building a transparent system of competition, merit-based evaluation and making it impossible for everyone to enter the system through other routes, for classification of this test will be the basis on which anyone will have a position in the educational system. So we will replace the over 2000 teachers who have no degree and were out of the profile, not based on the Directors’ judgement, but on the basis of this national test.”
Prime Minister Rama met some family members of the teachers being tested, who were waiting outside the school for the test to finish. They thanked the government for this test that is conducted for the first time.
The tests will be corrected and evaluated in Tirana by a commission of teachers and experts appointed by the Ministry of Education. The results will be published through December 22.