Accompanied by Minister of Education Lindita Nikolla, Prime Minister Rama visited this afternoon the National Examination Agency and followed closely the implementation of security measures in the process of drafting the teaching tests to be held tomorrow for candidates who have applied to the portal “Teachers for Albania”.
This innovation is implemented within the launch of a new system with focus on quality, transparency and meritocracy. Minister Nikolla said that corruption is given the due answer with a healthy system, which gives back authority to teachers by applying strict administration and testing criteria. “This is a new system of recruitment in education which, I believe, restores merit, but most importantly it is a healthy and strong argument against corruption for appointments in education.”
The minister informed that there are approximately 8100 teachers who have applied on the portal and who will be tested across 12 districts in the country. “All their files have been verified. The necessary transparency measures have been taken and publications have been made for every district. Testing will be conducted in 12 districts of the country, namely in 29 different testing locations. All measures have been taken in strict security conditions”- Minister Nikolla said.
30 specialists have been engaged at the NAA to draft the tests. They are appraisers certified in different profiles by the National Agency for Assessment, the Educational Development Institute and the State Inspectorate of Education. These specialists are stuck in one of the premises of the agency and strictly monitored by security cameras. They are not allowed to have any form of communication with the outside, without access to the Internet, phones or other communication devices. “The entire institution is a camera. These are the current locations of all teachers. They are under conditions of security and full transparency and observation. There are no mobiles and no connection to the internet, in order to have the maximum reliability and safety during the drafting of the text and to bring it to the testing locations. They will come out only after the testing process is closed and tests will start being collected in the 29 testing centers.” – Minister Nikolla explained.