Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Press release of Deputy Prime Minister Niko Peleshi, following the meeting of the Council of Ministers:

Starting from today, citizens will have available the public services box, an additional tool to control and hold to account the government and any state institution.

More specifically, the public services box is an application on the FB pages of the ministries and of the prime minister’s, where citizens can complaint about or report any problems they encounter in the state offices when asking for services.

For us, the improvement and modernization of public services is a priority. We are aware that delays, incompetence and corruption, which certainly have not been eliminated, can be combated through modernization and innovation of public services.

The public services box is an application that precedes the reform of public services which is being designed and will start to be applied and implemented in all state offices. Beyond modernization, we also need the cooperation of citizens. We need active citizens; we need citizens who disagree with the outdated mentality of state offices encountered in many cases.

We are determined to improve the quality of public services, but we cannot do it alone. Therefore, we invite you to cooperate with us. We invite you to use this new instrument, this new application, the public services box as a way to exert the necessary positive pressure by increasing transparency, revealing for better or for worse every case of inappropriate response by an officer in an office or state institution. Only through cooperation and modernization and through the active participation of citizens in raising their voice, we will be able to modernize and to deliver qualitative public services.

The reforms of the Albanian government will naturally go in parallel with an improved ethics of our officials and employees of any institution; they will go in parallel with an increased transparency and quality of service delivery.

Thank you!

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