After visiting the coastal city of Durres, Prime Minister Edi Rama inspected the flood-hit areas in Shkodra after the heavy rains over the past few days. The situation on the ground is completely different from the floods in 2010 despite similar water discharge quantities.
Striking a comparable balance with the floods in 2010, more than 12,000 local residents were evacuated back then compared to only 22 people evacuated in recent days. In 2010, 2800 houses were flooded, whereas not a single dwelling has been covered by water now, and from 14,000 hectares of land under water back then, only 1,300 hectares have been flooded in recent days, according to the official data from the Municipality of Shkoder itself.
Based on these facts, Prime Minister Rama said that the current situation triggered by the torrential rains in the last few days is incomparable with the devastating floods in 2010. “Based on the information I received just an hour ago, more heavy rains will start falling by midnight and will continue throughout the night and therefore problems can be caused. But what’s worrisome is the intentional distortion of the facts and the situation on the TV channels, web-based news sites, a rage and a combination of ignorance and malice that has become really a big deal, while compared to the incomparable in 2010, it is an unimaginable situation, that is, no comparison can be drawn,” he said.
On her part, Shkodra Prefect Majlinda Angoni noted that army troops and the emergency crews have lived up to their mission to deliver timely and effective response to the citizens’ needs in the affected areas.
“It is a paradox that some are misinforming the public, because, apart from the assistance and crews coming from Tirana, the Rapid Intervention Force commander, troops, their vehicles and vessels have been deployed to the area around the clock,” she said.
The government head called for stronger commitment of local government authorities and crews in Shkodra to respond appropriately to the situation.
“In terms of the institutional reaction, I mean all the structures deployed by the state here, there is nothing to question, because here is a system and everything is set in motion by itself according to the levels of the plan. As always, they have made a sacrifice. This is what one should absolutely note in this case. However, a significant land area is still under water, but let’s not forget that if the canal and drainage systems in other areas, the only investments here have been implemented by the central government, whilst we have always encountered problems at the local government level, for the sake of truth, and it is not my goal to blame or point a finger to anyone, but stating and claiming that this was because everything was flooded due to the discharges from the cascade is a scandal. We have looked into all the data and figures, the amount of water discharges and the specialists, not us, have done utmost that water discharges do not add up to the natural water inflows, so that a balanced level is in place, and people can’t actually distinguish the difference and realize how the situation was and how it is now. But I would actually like to thank all of those here and go on working to provide maximum solidarity and support for the local municipal structures too.