Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Today, Prime Minister Edi Rama followed closely the action against illegal benefit of energy in one of the segments where this action is taking place. The operation to eliminate illegal connections is spread throughout the territory. As previously stated by the leaders of OSHEE, the biggest debtors are mostly businesses. In the freeway Tirana-Durres, the Prime Minister was informed about a specific case where the business subscriber not only was a debtor for 2.4 million ALL, but they had avoided real obligation through price, by billing 7.6 ALL and not the real price of 12.5 ALL that big business must pay. The subscriber did this by intervening directly in the cabin.

“The subscriber, a private entity, has found a way to benefit even the burden on this panel that we have cut, and they passed directly into a slot machine in a contract that was as bakery. So, the payment they had to pay with 12.5 ALL, they pay now with 7.6 ALL. So, they have avoided liability for payment of electricity. This is the place that we are controlling. This is the electric cabin where most of manipulations are carried out in this country. It is a specific place. It is the entire measurement system where we examine the seals, incorporate the laboratory 3 G to see all the manipulations that private entities and other subscribers try to perform to benefit from electricity”- Tirana director Elton Kristo said.

Only in this feeder, which is a line that supplies large subscribers, only large businesses, debit runs around 30 million ALL. In a conversation with employees of OSHEE who are carrying out this operation on a daily-bases, the Prime Minister requested from them determination and honesty.

“You must be very aware that you have a major national responsibility, a huge responsibility that should be kept by everyone in their share of the task. Electricians, readers, engineers, all of you need to perform the task with the highest awareness that this is an operation that will never be over. And in this operation, anyone who will come forward as a thief, whether those who are used to consume energy at the expense of others, whether those in the company who read timers to please the thieves, will be punished with no tolerance.

Because, in the end you all know very well that it cannot be a such a widespread theft, if there is no cooperation from within the company, the people who go and play with the fate of the Albanian people and the money of pensioners, persons with disabilities, family members, businessmen who are correct with their obligations. This game is over. Now it is time that everyone serves this country by merely doing their job. Starting from me first, to the very last one here in line. From the pensioner to the richest man who might be an entrepreneur.”

For the Prime Minister, this is not a temporary action: “It is not action. It is the operation of a body that has everywhere the metastasis of the theft cancer. This government has separated its position since the first day: It’s on the side of those who respect the law; it is on the side of those who pay for energy.”

In a conversation with surrounding businesses, the Prime Minister said that the government is on the side of the enterprise that respects the law. All are equal before the law the Prime Minister said and history of abuse cannot continue anymore.

“We came here to deliver the message that we are on the side of people who perform duties. This is the story of these years, someone pays everything and the other one next to him who has a business and pays as bakery. It has never been clear how come that you and all those like you have to pay also for those others who do not. This will not continue any longer. We are on your side and not on the side of those who do business on your back” – the Prime Minister said, while talking with one business manager in the highway. The business manager told the Prime Minister that he pays energy “just like any other obligation, like he pays any other service he receives.”

Businessmen greeted this initiative of the Government, expressing confidence that its implementation would establish a long-lacked discipline in electricity charges.

“We congratulate you very much on this initiative, on this wonderful initiative. We hope to put some order. We welcome it with much pleasure and it looks a very positive thing if indeed we are able to put some order and pay all as it should be”- another businessman of the area who pays regularly said.

The Prime Minister was accompanied by Minister of Energy and Industry Damian Gjiknuri and OSHEE CEO Arben Seferi.

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