Prime Minister Edi Rama was invited as special guest to deliver a lecture at the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, one of the 15 best universities in China. In his speech the Prime Minister said among other things:
Prime Minister Rama:
“Our government, elected on 23 June 2013 on the theme of Renaissance, is determined to change the economic model of our country where the main source of revenues for many years has been emigration remittances and the most vital sector, the construction industry.
This is why in setting the path for a sustainable economic development, we are aware that we have to consider wisely and make wise use of our location at the very heart of Europe, of our natural resources and the second youngest population of the European continent.
We are persistently removing some obstacles to sustainable development, such as informality and property land issues, by making sure that at least 70% of land owners ultimately receive full ownership titles on their land by the end of our first mandate.
At the same time, by embarking on tax and customs reform, on administrative and territorial reform, as well as by undertaking a valid process of deregulation and innovation, the government is tackling a series of problems that are critical to both our economy and society.
In terms of dealing with cross-cutting issues, the other important aspect is the government’s approach towards entrepreneurs and investors.
It is since one year now that our government has started to build a relationship of partnership with business community and investors.
In this regard, we knew that the first thing to do was to have a clear set of rules on which to base the business of the country.
For the government coalition of Albania, Renaissance meant first of all a change of approach on governance that would give to the citizens a government of the people for the people and a government cabinet that was guided by a sense of duty, not of power.
However, my daily work has made me realize that the most important thing about Renaissance is getting things done.
This is an additional reason to why we want to have a more cooperative relation with China and employ Chinese investments in various fields, such as agriculture, tourism, energy, infrastructure and so forth.
Recently the government has endorsed and incentive package for toll manufacturing that includes renting state facilities for 1 Euro a year for several years, providing vocational training for employees and support with social security expenditures.
Having mentioned the region, I want to say that Albania is changing just as the Balkans are changing. This year, 100 years from World War I, there will be many reminders of a less happy history; a war that started in our region and spread to take in continents and slaughter millions.
So now today, in 2014 rather than 1914, for all the challenges we face, the world is in many ways better; safer for most, more prosperous, with greater opportunities for all of us.
Our region is experiencing peace that I believe that all of us together, politicians, investors, government and social actors, should make a peace worth living.”
At the conclusion of his speech, the Prime Minister met also with the women’s basketball team to the university, champions in China for the 9th time in a row.