Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Deputy prime minister Niko Peleshi inaugurated the road Vorë – Kuç, a project of the albanian development fund which connects many villages of the existing municipality of Vorë. the inauguratin was also attended by mp of the area, Artan Gaçi and by residents of Vorë.

Deputy Prime Minister talked with residents on the impact the Territorial and Administrative Reform will have in the increase of capacities of municipalities, and on tools such as the Albanian Development Fund and the Development Fund for Regions that will be reformatted to closely support the new units of local government.

“The Territorial Reform is a very positive step, first of all because it creates larger municipalities, saves a portion of funds that until yesterday were used for inflated administrative costs. Now this money can be invested. There are better capacities in a large municipality than in a small one, and capacities are very important when it comes to projects of investments or public works and to their implementation. Our government will strengthen even more the Albanian Development Fund which made possible the construction of this road, and the Development Fund for Regions as tools that will support large municipalities in their work, projects, funding and implementation of projects.” – Deputy PM Niko Peleshi said.

MP Artan Gaçi was very optimistic for the development prospect of the new municipal of Vorë.

“With the new Administrative Reform Vora becomes an economic power because it lies at the core of Albania and together with Bërxullë and Prezë will become a very important economic pole” – MP Artan Gaçi said.

Resident addressed concern also for the drinkable water supply system. Despite investments made, residents of Vora and surrounding villages still lack water. Deputy PM said it is a typical case of bad management of investments and noted that the government is determined to bring this situation to an end.

“We want to bring to an end the history of million Euros spent all over Albania for aqueducts, sewages, water processing plants that are not functional anymore. Albania has not suffered from lack of funds, but from bad management of these funds” – Deputy PM said.

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