On Eid Al-Fitr celebration day, Prime Minister Edi Rama, accompanied by Minister of Education Lindita Nikolla and Minister of Social Welfare and Youth Erion Veliaj, visited the Muslim Community of Albania.
Prime Minister Rama wished the Albanian Muslim Community leaders, all Muslim believers and all Albanians on this remarkable day of faith, solidarity and hope.
While leaving the Headquarters of the Albanian Muslim Community, as many other times, Prime Minister Rama told the media that politics must not be protagonist on this important day for believers.
“I wish a Happy Eid! You know that I don’t like politicians standing in line on the doors and wish. Actually, today we are all equal and all the same. Happy Eid!” – Prime Minister told the media after the visit to the Muslim Community of Albania.
Then, the Prime Minister addressed wishes to the leader of the World Headquarters of the Bektashi Order.