Today was celebrated the 30th anniversary of the presence of the Coca-Cola company in Albania, with the participation of a number of world and European leaders of this company, customers, entrepreneurs and various distributors, who showed the journey of this business, which brought to Albania for the first time, a product so loved by Albanians.
At the ceremony organized on this occasion, Prime Minister Edi Rama greeted the participants.
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I am naturally the best artist among prime ministers and the best prime minister among artists.
However, it is a pleasure, not because in such cases such a thing should be said, but it is really a pleasure because Coca-Cola is connected to our history in a very special way.
To the young people here, I am sure it seems impossible for you to imagine, but when we were young it was the most desirable object one could expect when getting married. I remember that once my father went to Kosovo and brought 5 cans of Coca-Cola, there were 5 of us at home and the cans remained in the fridge till the birthday of one of the family members. Every birthday, a can came out, which was like taking a 19th century Dom Pérignon out of a cellar.
This is why I understand the phrase I saw in the video, that Coca-Cola brought freedom to Albania, in the sense that when Coca-Cola arrived and when the cans were full and could be bought freely, it was like confirming the fact that Albania was finally free, because they could freely drink Coca-Cola.
Then everyone knows the story.
Today I feel really pampered that I could make a small contribution to this birthday of Coca-Cola in Albania, but to avoid what normally follows in these cases, I must say that the design was a gift to Coca-Cola and there is no contract and no intent to make money from this, to be clear.
I want to thank Kristina from the bottom of my heart, because if Coca-Cola was the symbol of freedom in Albania, Kristina is the symbol of Italianization in Albania. We are here more connected than ever with Italy. I am really flattered by the fact that one of Albania’s greatest friends has come here. I would say a great friend, but also an Italian political figure who has accompanied Albania throughout this journey, has been the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, I think, and the chairman of the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Ferdinando Casini, who deserves a round of applause, a round of applause just like the one for Coca-Cola.
Coca Cola is in good hands and it really gives us a special pleasure because, though I have nothing against Americans, I prefer a Coca Cola Albania that is in the hands of Italians.
Thank you to everyone!
Coca Cola has been in this world before us, it will continue to be after us, so wishing it eternal life is easy, because it will be eternal! Thank you!