Albanian Government Council of Ministers


The Albanian government thanked the Japanese Government for the donation of 129 cars of the latest Japanese production (a 2016 Toyota production). This gift was made possible through the allocation of a generous grant of 500 million YEN or 4 million USD for the Albanian government, following the signature of a bilateral agreement with the Exchange of Notes on July 29, 2015.

The purpose of this generous gift is to reduce environmental pollution and greenhouse gases by promoting cars of the next environment-friendly generation. These cars will be used to promote awareness of the state and public institutions to improve the environmental quality and performance.

The cars will be used for public use in accordance with the needs of the public sector for vehicles. The project will have an impact on the improvement of the public services, the optimization of the administrative support services to government institutions, increase mobility of monitoring institutions, and the implementation of action plans for the rehabilitation of damaged environment, capacity building for environmental protection, and reducing air pollution.

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