Prime Minister Rama paid today a visit to the headquarters of the World Bank, where he was received in a special meeting by the World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim.
President Kim was optimistic about the reforms in Albania and the cooperation in the region.In addition, he expressed his highest consideration for the work of the Albanian government and the leadership of the Prime Minister in a time that he defined of historical changes for Albania and the region. Referring to his meeting with German Chancellor Merkel, President of the World Bank noted Ms Merkel remarks on the current positive moment of the Western Balkans, and the role that the Albanian government and Prime Minister Rama are playing for the development of the region.
Prime Minister Rama thanked President Jim Yong Kim for the constant work of the World Bank, and noted the need to have the World Bank as a catalyst for the regional development in Southeast Europe. Prime Minister Rama said that regional cooperation is critical for the sustainable development of the Balkans, and noted that the region’s future belongs in the European Union.