Prime Minister Rama spent a different day today. After attending the inauguration of the New Marketplace in Tirana, he joined Summer Festival celebrations in Elbasan, a city where nature is celebrated by tradition. The Prime Minister joined the citizens attending the many activities organized by the municipality in the main square and city park that have been transformed in a recreation area by the Urban Renaissance program. The PM conveyed his wishes to the many citizens and visitors who had come to Elbasan to celebrate this holiday.
“It is a special pleasure for me, after the inauguration of the New Marketplace of Tirana, to be here where the new park of oranges is about to be completed. Celebrations on this day have always been a tradition of your city, and I want to give all of you, and all the Albanians wherever they are, my best wishes”, the Prime Minister said.
I want to assure you that we will continue to work very hard to make economy grow stronger, and to create more jobs for everybody, as much as we are working to thoroughly transform our cities, as much as we are working to make statehood and to remove from the path of the future the corrupt judges and prosecutors.
The only unemployed people in Albania should be the corrupt judges and prosecutors who have been keeping the country hostage for years.”