Prime Minister Edi Rama today welcomed in his office engineer Luljeta Bozo, who has turned most recently into the epitome a true professional, providing convincing scientific arguments on the 26 Nov earthquake aftermath, thanks to her lifetime experience, and helping people to calm down, getting over broken human hearts and ease fear about the natural disaster.
“You have done excellent job in calming down and comforting people,” PM Rama told engineer Bozo, who, over the past ten days following the deadly quake, became the most popular and widely liked person by the public for her advices that have helped people to overcome panic following the natural disaster. Luljeta affirmed that she has also been helping in the process of inspecting the buildings and in the damage assessment process whenever she was asked to provide her expertise.
“It would be highly positive if you would also help us in developing a simple standards package in the process of reconstruction and refurbishment process we plan to commence soon. You are a source of safety for the people,” the government head said during the meeting.
“We at the Academy of Arts and Science, a volunteer unification of scientists, have hosted a forum on the country’s sustainable development, focusing on five main directions. But given the recent post-earthquake situation, we have also thought of a platform on how construction should be organized. The earthquake had its share, but much of the damage was also due to the mistakes we have made in the construction process,” Mrs. Bozo said.
PM Rama said that taking note of the tragedy, there are two main aspects to be addressed when it comes to the responsibility about the newly-constructed buildings. “I have been insisting on two things; to investigate whether the construction permit has been violated, because nobody has been sent before justice for violating the construction standards; and second, the architects and construction engineers should be held accountable if they accept to violate the construction permits,” he said.
PM Rama and engineer Luljeta Bozo also tackled issues of licenses granted to architects and engineers, which should no longer be issued by the Ministry, but by the relevant Order of Architects and Engineers.