Spokesperson of the government of Albania, also General Director of the Media and Information Agency, Endri Fuga, reacted to a tweet by the Reporters Without Borders organization regarding the freedom of the media in Albania.
Fuga stated that the freedom of speech and the freedom of the media in Albania are firmly guaranteed and there is no sort of pressure being exerted by the government on any journalist or media outlet.
According to him, the old day of newspaper headquarters burned by paramilitary operatives, TV bank accounts frozen by tax authorities, media owners’ assets destroyed by unknown individuals, or reporters being fired at by the police during protests, belong to the distant past and have nothing to do with Rama government.
Fuga also replied regarding the case concerning journalist Ambrozia Meta that was mentioned by the Reporters Without Borders” for the incident with Prime Minister Edi Rama.
“As for the mentioned case, it is rather an issue of showing respect for one another. When one asks a question, one should also let the other answer. It is a basic rule,” Fuga wrote.
Following Fuga’s reply via Twitter:
I believe every reaction should be proportional and, unfortunately, not only this original tweet, but the whole report published last week does not reflect the factual reality.
Fortunately, in Albania the freedom of speech and the freedom of the media are firmly guaranteed and there is no sort of pressure, in any shape of form, coming from this government on any journalist or media outlet.
The old day of newspaper headquarters burned by paramilitary operatives, TV bank accounts frozen by tax authorities, media owners’ assets destroyed by unknown individuals, or reporters being fired at by the police during protests, belong to the distant past and have nothing to do with Rama government. Is everything perfect? Of course not! But minor verbal incidents between journalists and politicians happen not only in Albania, but everywhere, even in countries that rank much higher than us in the same report of @RSF_inter, although nobody mentions or considers them. As for the mentioned case, it is rather an issue of showing respect for one another. When one asks a question, one should also let the other answer. It is a basic rule.