Wishing them a successful new school year, Prime Minister Edi Rama, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Education, visited the Musi family, a low-income family benefiting social assistance under the government’s welfare program which is also eligible to receiving the textbooks for their two kids, Agim and Manuel – fifth and sixth graders – for free.
Thanks to the government initiative, the textbooks are being distributed for free to schoolchildren in grades 1 to 4 across the territory of the country, but the textbooks are also being provided for free to fifth-grade pupils from the low income and needy families. “We have launched an initiative to provide free of charge books to schoolchildren from first to fourth grade, but all schoolchildren from the needy families will benefit the books for free from the first to ninth grade. So all first to fourth grade pupils will get the books for free, while this decision will extend further to the ninth-graders from the families in need and for the third child in families with many children,” Prime Minister Rama said.
Agim’s teacher who appraised both children for their interest and attention to learning. Manuel is passionate about football and this year’s novelty is the opening of sports classes where he can show his passion and talents. The teacher regarded it as an opportunity for all children who are passionate about sport.
The Deputy Minister of Education, Besa Shahini, said that the pilot project “We do the home works” will be now extended to other schools across the country, two years after its launch. “Before coming here, we talked with your school principal. We have decided that your school becomes part of the We Do Home works program and the school day will extend until afternoon. Such program has been implemented in other schools too. The idea is to help children study and do their home works at school. The program has turned out to be very successful regarding the mathematics and other science subjects.”
Fifth of September coincides with the Mother Teresa’s canonization day. Prime Minister Rama gave a book on Mother Teresa as a present to the two boys, who can learn more about the life of the Saint.