Prime Minister Rama visited the collection point of medicinal plants in Kukës. With the financial support of the government, the entrepreneur intends to transform it into a modern point for collecting and processing medicinal plants. The beneficiary entrepreneur of the supporting fund received the contract with the Agency of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Prime Minister Rama congratulated the entrepreneur who succeeded even in difficult conditions to keep the business running not only for himself but also for many other families. With financial support of the AURD, the entrepreneur plans to increase capacity and modernize the business. The Prime Minister was confident that this investment will transform it into a model collection point that will provide services across the region of Kukës.
“A person who has been working hard for many years privatized years ago this ruined warehouse and succeeded not only to maintain his family but to maintain also a significant number of families without any support from that state and power that today sheds crocodile tears for Kukës, for poverty, for people leaving the country and so on. Meanwhile, we give today to our friend this contract who with his honest work will transform this dark corner, which is the stage of a daily fight and of extreme hardships to make a living, into a model collection warehouse that will provide services across the region up to canyon of Çajë. In addition, a hundred families will be employed for the collection of medicine plants, thus being allowed to live here with honest work. This warehouse has a minimum capacity, but upon investments in technology it will be transformed into a modern collection point from which we will have major benefits for less favorable areas”, the Prime Minister said after getting introduced to the business and the investment plan of the entrepreneur.