Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Residents of Dhermi and vacationers who visit the tourist village will have drinking water around the clock.

Two new modern aqueducts will be made available in the area and put an end once and for all to the problems of water shortages. Premier Rama was in Dhermi to inspect works for the aqueducts that will be ready in a month, which means before the start of the tourist season. Projects will be implemented by the Albanian Development Fund.

The aqueduct of the Dhërmi will provide water to the village. Currently the village of Dhërmi is supplied with water from the river. The previous infrastructure of water supply didn’t meet any hygiene requirements, and neither the needs of residents because it was extremely deteriorated. The transmission network had become prey to predators and illegal interference.

The director of works informed that 2.600 meter long pipes of the highest standards have been added to the transmission network of water. “In addition to the water supply, approximately 2.600 linear meters pipes have been added to the water transmission network, according to the best standards. It is worth emphasizing that for the implementation of these two projects in Dhërmi and Fresko, the Albanian Development Fund has applied standards of the German KFV”.

The beach area of Dhermi is supplied by the source Fresko, from which residents would receive most of the time uncontrolled water due to private interventions in the network.

The investment in this second water supply is made to build a new reservoir, as well as to improve existing supply lines. This investment will bring advantages to local residents and numerous tourists who frequent this important tourist area.

Prime Minister Rama inquired if the aqueduct will be ready for the tourist season and as he received a positive response to this said that the investment delivers the ultimate solution to the problem, which unfortunately dates back decades.

“After 1 thousand years, all those who will come and spend their holiday in Dhermi after will finally have water around the clock, and this is very good news. In addition, tour operators have informed us that everything is booked and demand from North Europe countries in particular is higher than before. However, the great news is that residents and tourists of Dhermi will not suffer anymore shortage of water. This might seem a small thing, but it is very big if we consider what this people have gone through for decades.

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