Albanian Government Council of Ministers

As promised, the compensation process to the farmers for cattle affected by nodular dermatosis started today. Farmers of Has in Kukes are the first whose cattle affected by this disease were replaced one by one. The compensation to the farmers for the cattle affected is part of the largest solidarity package, in addition to the indemnification for flooding. An amount of 3 million dollars was allocated for vaccination to prevent damage, and to fully compensate all the farmers who lost cattle due to the disease. Prime Minister Edi Rama, accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture Edmond Panariti, met with farmers of Has.

Farmers said that not only compensation was vital to them, but also the fact that damaged animals have been replaced by animals of higher production. Very important has been also the vaccination campaign that stopped the increase of damages. “I had three cattle, 3 of them died. I thank you for the vaccinations because the others also would have died, hadn’t vaccinations been done in due time. It was a very dangerous disease”, one of the farmers said after receiving 3 cows that replaced the ones who died from the disease.

The campaign for the replacement one by one of the injured animals will continue in all areas where this disease has caused damage to farmers. “This whole area, Minister Panariti informed, has received free vaccinations, insured by the government. We kept our promise. This breed is much better than the cows and heifers that were damaged. This breed has been selected very carefully and imported from Denmark. It’s the “Jersey” breed which best fits all the characteristics of this area.” Has, Kukes and Dibra are the first three municipalities to receive compensation for cattle, a process that according to the Minister will be extended later to Lushnje Fier, Korca, and as promised all farmers affected by this disease will be indemnified for every cattle lost from the disease.


Modern equipment of the latest technology are the new investment in the Regional Hospital of Kukes, specifically in the maternity ward of the hospital. The imaging hall provides a specialized service which has been absent until now, through the new Obstetrics-Gynaecology ECHO recently installed. There are approximately 700 new moms who give birth to their children in this hospital every year. Until recently, they had to travel to Prizren or Tirana to be offered this service, or had it delivered by a private clinic. Now they can get examined in the city where they live, thus significantly cutting costs, as 4 such examinations are required for every pregnancy. Only in the last months of last year, investments worth approximately 90 million ALL have been made in the maternity ward of the regional hospital in Kukes. Of these, 35 million ALL have been invested for Obstetrics-Gynaecology ECHO, and 55 million ALL for the restoration of the hospital roof. In addition, procedures have started for the supply with medical equipment worth approximately 200 thousand Euros. This investment includes also a mammogram and a mobile incubator required in the cases when babies should be transferred to Tirana by ambulance.

Accompanied by Health Minister Ilir Beqaj, Prime Minister Edi Rama visited today the maternity ward in Kukes and met with the medical staff and patients. Doctors said that the imaging service is extremely important because it provides information on the progress of pregnancy. “We couldn’t perform an ECHO for 5 years. This is something very important for the district of Kukes because women had to go to Prizren or Tirana to have this service, and the costs were very high. We have approximately 700 births per year, so I believe investment for this new equipment is fully justified.”

While Minister Beqaj explained that expenditure cuts for new mothers are very significant, and that the zeroing of examination fees has become a tangible reality as women are now examined close to their homes. “There are at least 4 ECHOs to be carried out during pregnancy, which means 60 thousand ALL for each mother, or 42 million ALL per year for all mothers. Expecting moms of Kukes had to travel to Prizren for an echo, or go to a private clinic, not to mention the transportation fees. Now fees have been zeroed, ECHOs are for free. This service is to be added to the reconstruction made. Approximately 55 million ALL have been invested for the roof, the sanitary facilities, and approximately 35 million ALL for the ECHO.”

The reconstruction of the building and of all of its infrastructure was also a necessary investment for the hospital. “To be honest, the investment for the roof was really necessary because all sort of things from outside would pour within. The maternity ward was not habitable”, one doctor said.


“Bajram Curri”, the biggest 9-year school of the city of Kukes hosting 470 students, has been completely renovated and equipped with new and modern teaching materials. Due to the large number of pupils, classes in this school were taught in 2 shifts thus making the teaching process very difficult due to unsuitable weather conditions.

Following an investment of 113 million ALL, a new addition has been made to the school, and it has been thoroughly reconstructed in order to have classes taught in a single shift. The school has been equipped with chemistry lab, biology lab and physics lab.

Accompanied by Minister of Education Lindita Nikolla, Prime Minister Edi Rama visited today the school “Bajram Curri” and saw first-hand the newly reconstructed premises. “There are approximately 79 teachers who have become part of the teaching staff of Kukes from the portal “Teachers for Albania”. I am happy that teachers here are given the opportunity to be employed through this portal”, Minister Nikolla said.

She added that the “1 billion dollars for reconstruction” program allows the reconstruction of 8 schools in Kukes, and the construction of 2 new schools”.



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