Sunday afternoon Prime Minister Edi Rama was in the road segment Tirana-Rinas, the starting point of the New National Program for Greening, which includes 400 thousand m2 of green area, 130 thousand ornamental plants and 2300 tall trees.
The Prime Minister met with leaders of the project who briefed him on the work as well as the security measures undertaken by them, so that the implementation of the project will not hinder the daily traffic. “We do our best to comply with all safety requirements. There road signs according to every standard that inform people on roadwork so that they could speed down.
The Prime Minister stressed that “this is the beginning of the greening of roads. We must be very convincing and will continue to be in order to create a very different situation on our roads. These roads are not European roads.”
The Prime Minister added that with the completion of the project and everything related to it, Tirana will have an entry point with a decent infrastructure as any other European country. “There are 400 thousand square meters of greenery, 130 thousand ornamental shrubs, 2300 tall trees that will multiply as a crown in the coming years. What is important is that we have a clear separation of all channels, in order to finally create an entry to Tirana as a European country, and that will lead us from Rinas to the roundabout of Kamez”, the Prime Minister said.
“The New National Program for Greening starts with the road Rinas-Tirana, so the entry to Tirana will not be any longer the show of the taste of ruin”, Prime Minister said while inspecting works in this road segment, which is one of the first moments that introduces our country.