Prime Minister Edi Rama’s remarks at ceremony marking the start of construction works for offshore section of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project in Albania:
Hello everyone!
It is inevitable that whenever visiting Fier, whatever major or modest public works we build, one can’t forget that Fier Bypass road project is the key to the relations with any potential public work of the Fier citizens and the area’s residents, but also many others beyond this area. I am very delighted to state today that we are about to untie the noose around the neck of this whole territory, as the lack of this Bypass road had really become a kind of noose around the neck. So I can confidently state today that the contract will be finalized in the coming weeks and work will begin and won’t interrupt to construct the project up to the standards we have already started to show when it comes to the public infrastructure projects.
I think it is also worth stating that according to a study by the Oxford University, the pipeline project will inject around one billion euros in the Albanian economy over the next two decades. Meanwhile, the TAP’s community investment programme and the social impact on one hand and the perspective that opens up for creation of a new market, a new industry in Albania that would have been impossible without TAP, make TAP not only a company, an investor, or an investment in a strategic pipeline, but into a driving force for the Albanian economy, the economy of the future.
Overall, TAP project is more than 80% complete and the final challenge is already underway to link the pipeline with the other shore of the sea, with Italy, construction of the 37-km offshore section in Albania’s territorial waters, 25-km offshore section in Italian territorial waters, along with 43-km section in international waters.
It is a quite important and challenging section in terms of technology and construction. The number of vessels that will be used for construction of the offshore section is impressive and we hope the project’s problem is addressed by the time the offshore pipeline section arrives in Italy.
Anytime we attend such events, I always recall the first meeting we have with a TAP mission when we took office. They came to voice concern that they might encounter surprises, unexpected situations and barriers that could delay the project while constructing Albanian section. It is known the fact that TAP passes through several countries and I am pleased to recall it again today, just like I have mentioned it not long time ago, that the same TAP delegation visited me in my office, affirming they were absolutely surprised by the fact that they had encountered problems in other countries, but not a single problem in Albania.
In this aspect, I hope and wish that those who have worked with Albania become the country’s ambassadors to convey the message that totally different from what randomly is propagated or what sometimes not so objectively is said and also written on certain reports, Albania is not a difficult country for the foreign or major investments. On the contrary, when a project is ready and seriousness is shown there is always a readiness to host such investments.
I would also like to add the important fact that TAP has created and creates job opportunities at all level, from the ordinary worker to qualified professionals, who are provided the opportunity to pursue their professional careers in high paying jobs. A number of young Albanian boys and girls have returned home from abroad to work with TAP project.
This is the case to announce that along with this well-progressing major project and with an exceptionally positive perspective to open up for Albania regarding the creation of a genuine medium and long-term gas market we are also finalizing the process of introducing the solar energy. Indeed, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy is leading the process, while several leading international companies have already expressed interest in developing solar energy projects. We are also in a process of addressing another major inherited problem, a kind of a Fieri Bypass road project in the form of a thermal power station in Vlora, which will now become a central control centre of the future gas system.
We also expect white smoke to finally mark the outcome from Shell’s oil exploration operations in Shpirag and we remain confident that extremely positive news about the future of Albanian economy will be announced soon. This would be the news that the discovered oil will be tradeable and it will soon enter the market, generating huge revenue for our economy, something that has greatly fuelled interest from major global companies for our oil.
To conclude, as part of our efforts to open and expand markets, create new opportunities and, above all, to create the perspective of high paying jobs and qualified and skilled workers in various sectors, we are also exploring the opportunity of creating a regulatory framework on cryptocurrency, a shocking innovation in the today’s world that offers opportunity to become innovators and develop an attractive gravitational centre for the financial markets. This opportunity is open to every developed or less developed country. Currently, we are in a process of assessment and work on drafting the regulatory framework following a thorough analysis and study. Should this work’s results are satisfactory, then we will promote Albania’s readiness to become a host country for many potential investors, who are seeking to involve in this revolution of the global finance.
Thank you very much!
In Seman, Fier, on 19 October 2018, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) kicked off the construction works for the 105km offshore pipeline section which will link TAP’s Albanian section with the Italian one.
The milestone was celebrated in a ceremony attended by Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Albania, Damian Gjiknuri, the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Armando Subashi, the Mayor of Fier, as well as TAP’s Management. Participants also included representatives of local authorities, diplomatic corps and other key stakeholders.
The pipes will be lowered down onto the Adriatic seabed, reaching depths of more than 810m beneath sea level. Approximately 10 vessels will be used for the offshore construction: two vessels will lay pipes and specialized vessels will be used for dredging, supplying pipes, light construction, anchor handling, towing and survey activities. A semi-submersible pipe laying vessel will install pipes in deep waters and a shallow water lay barge will be used closer to the shore. Approximately 9,000 pipes, weighing approximately 100,000 tonnes in total, will be used. TAP has employed highest standards and industry best practice for the pipeline’s construction and protection.