Today, Prime Minister Edi Rama inspected the works on the rehabilitation of the access road to the capital city, part of the highway Tirana – Durrës. The investment of 280 million lekë is made by the Albanian government through the Development Fund for Regions and aims to radically transform the access segment to the capital city, from Qafë-Kashar to the entrance of Tirana, according to European parameters and standards.
Prime Minister Rama stopped by the site built in the area of Kashar and talked to project implementers and managers of the company about the progress and volume of work. One of the project implementers informed the Prime Minister on the interventions that are being made along the highway underground with the intent to fix all the installations which were left in unacceptable conditions.
“Everyone has their own cables, both private and state entities, with electric cables, optical fibre, etc. .. It is unbelievable what lays in the underground between the parallel road and the highway. An absurd mess” – the manager of the company said. In addition, he noted that work is being done also to increase green areas in this segment. “We have taken action and pipelines are already being placed. There will be green in the centre, flowers, wild roses, etc..”- added he.
Besides appreciating the work done so far, the Prime Minister noted that thanks to this project, Tirana’s entrance – which for years had turned into a garbage and trash trail – will be similar to entrances of any European city and will have a new green dimension. “It is important, first of all, that all those who thought that works made on the occasion of the Pope’s visit were just makeup for a holiday, realize that actually it was only the beginning of a fundamental transformation of the entrance to the capital – which unfortunately was turned over the years from an capital city entrance into a garbage and trash trail – in order to make it similar to any other European capital city entrance, with all accessories and above all, with a new green dimension, unprecedented in the rehabilitation of national roads in Albania. Because, besides being an entrance road to Tirana, this is a national road. Meanwhile, we will certainly extend these roads, everywhere with the same standards, the same sense of aesthetic to attract visitors, but also with an incentive for those who live the city”- Prime Minister Rama said.