A ruined building and constantly covered by water. This is what the electrical substation of Lezha was until yesterday. Built in the 60s and positioned below sea level, it would be flooded by the very first rainfall, and at the lowest level of operation. As a consequence, residents of Lezhe would lack electricity for over 5 hours per day. The most recent and only reconstruction of the substation was made in 1973. For the first time after four decades OSHEE has invested 1.9 million dollars, thus guaranteeing it from the rainfall in addition to providing uninterrupted electricity supply. Accompanied by the Minister of Energy Damian Gjiknuri and OSHEE Director Ardian Çela, Prime Minister Edi Rama inspected the full recovery of this substation.
“The station of Lezha was built in the 60s and the recent restructuring was made in 1973. It was out of order after every rainfall because it was flooded. The entire city would remain without power. In addition, it was flooded because the 4-5 pumping stations that receive power supplied from here would be out of order. These hatches were produced in 1970. This is a 190 million-ALL [new] investment made with the income of OSHEE. This is the first stage as we are in the process”, OSHEE Director Ardian Cela said in addition to explaining the importance of investing not only for the city but also for the tourist area.
In addition to restoring the working standards of the substation, new devices have been placed for 21 feeders related to the substation. Meanwhile, $ 1 million are being invested to build two new 10 kV feeders for Shengjin, which will connect to the substation of Lezha. The investment will be completed before the tourist season, and together with the two existing feeders, Shëngjini, which is populated fourfold during the summer, will guarantee complete security in terms of normal power supply. A very important investment is that of 1 million Euros starting in April, for the security and proper functioning of electrical lines in Zejmen, where currently 70% of energy is lost in the network as a result of its amortization.
OSHEE has invested 4 million dollars in Lezhe to improve the quality of energy supply, and to guarantee the good functioning in the power supply lines of the 5 pumping stations of the area.
“There are 26 new automatic hatches and two new feeders that go towards Shëngjin. With this investment, Shëngjini also will be guaranteed for any type of load for the next 10-15 years. For now, we have invested 4 million Euros just in Lezha. In April we will start another 1 million Euro investment for the entire network of Zejmen”, OSHEE Director said.
OSHEE has pursued for the first time an ambitious investment plan thanks to its revenues, thanks to the reform of the sector and its good management. These are difficult reforms, the Prime Minister said, which are rehabilitating and revitalizing the sector.
“Thanks to the reform, thanks to the fact that from a situation where half the customers would pay and the other half would steal we moved to a new phase where everybody is aware and contribute, not only we don’t spend 150 million dollars each year to fill the hollow of theft and in order to turn on the lights, but instead, we have started to invest. This investment here in Lezha provides a solution a 25-year gangrene problem. But we will continue in the area of Zejmen which still remains a weak point, and then this problem shall be considered solved for all the entire new Municipality of Lezha. Meanwhile, we will continue to improve the quality of supply so that even in terms of tourism, Shëngjin will finally function normally as a tourist area after more than 20 years. This is this the way to make statehood, and this is the way how painful, tedious and costly reforms yield results”, the Prime Minister said.
Minister Gjiknuri underlined that the largest amount of investments has been made in the energy sector. Meanwhile, the minister added, ongoing investments and those expected to be launched will turn this sector into a development generator for the country.
“Financial stability has enabled us to continue investing in the improvement of electricity supply. This is a concrete example of what an investment means, as it can totally change the quality of supply for the whole area of Lezhe, which was very problematic whenever there were rainfalls and flooding. The largest amount of investments was made this year in the energy sector as never before, not to mention that we had a crisis in terms of weather. The system did not collapse, and we assured power supply. In addition, due to a good management, we are investing to achieve the objectives that we have set ourselves, to eventually stabilize the energy sector, to turn it into a development generator for the entire country, for the Albanian society”, minister Gjinknuri said.