Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Tirana hosted the latest “Pact of Free Cities” Summit today, with the participation of 20 mayors and representatives from major cities across Europe and the world. They shared their experiences and perspectives on sustainable development and strengthening collaboration.

Prime Minister Edi Rama also addressed the summit, highlighting that Tirana has transformed into an exceptional platform for contemporary architecture, showcasing exciting projects by prestigious architects. He emphasized that this is just the beginning of a long series of impressive architectural works to come.


Hello and first of all, I would like to warmly welcome all the friends who have taken flights to attend this summit. It’s true that the role of a mayor is very unique, and undoubtedly, having had the privilege to hold several high-ranking positions myself, I can say that being a mayor is the only position that leaves such a lasting impression, an experience that stays with you. This is because it is the only public office where the contact with others is incredibly direct, and your relationship with the city you live in is intensely physical – something that doesn’t happen in any other position, at least from my experience. It is undoubtedly a special privilege to address this summit from the position I hold today, and it is an even greater honor to have representatives from many cities here with us. I would also like to mention my first, direct, and inspiring experience that later influenced my work, and that was my time in Barcelona.

Barcelona is a place that, in my opinion, anyone who takes on the responsibility of leading a city or village should experience firsthand. It’s an open classroom for learning about public spaces, urban development, and the beauty of architecture. When I became mayor, I had the privilege of establishing relationships with Barcelona and also having here as a guest one of the key figures in Barcelona’s modern revitalization, Josep Acebillo. His acupuncture philosophy greatly influenced our work and played an important role in the rejuvenation of Tirana.

I must also highlight my experience in the Netherlands, in both Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In Amsterdam, we were eager to learn about urban planning, and in Rotterdam, we gained a lot of experience, especially through our connection with the Berlage Institute, which helped create a strong bond between the Municipality of Tirana and the Institute. Today, some of the key figures from that time will be in Tirana and Albania, contributing to our urban development efforts. Leading a city and working on its development has a special joy because it provides the opportunity to see and learn from the experiences of others. In one way or another, despite differences in the level of development or the challenges faced, the problems are the same. It is remarkable – and truly a pleasure – to see that Tirana now has the chance to host representatives from cities that, not long ago, seemed like the museums of masterpieces for provincial artists. It was unimaginable just a few years ago that we could host summits, international conferences, or events like this one.

And not only in the West, but I would also like to express my utmost respect and admiration for what the mayors of Warsaw have achieved. Warsaw is an example of how a city with a rich cultural heritage can transform in a relatively short period, and how it can serve modern life, despite the setbacks of the communist era which froze much of its development. I am incredibly pleased that here in Tirana, we are not only able to offer our hospitality but also provide an experience in a city that has now become one of Albania’s main destinations, something that seemed unimaginable just a few years ago. I still remember the embarrassment and the red faces I had when, shortly after becoming mayor, a kind Italian journalist said to me, “I’m really sorry, but in this city, you can’t photograph anything except people.” Honestly, that was the reality back then. If you wanted to defend Tirana—or rather, protect the Albanians from the condescending views of outsiders—you couldn’t show photos of Tirana or any other city in Albania. You had to point the camera at the sky, the mountains, or the sea, but never the city itself.

Today, things are completely different, and Tirana has transformed into an exceptional platform for contemporary architecture. We have, in Tirana and across Albania, many fascinating projects being developed, along with a significant number of internationally acclaimed architects.

I would like to add that this alliance of cities is not only valuable but increasingly essential. In my view, cities will carry the weight of the daily challenges people face in this era. A city is a home for its people, and naturally, the ambition, desire, and need to continuously improve that home is limitless.

Thank you all once again! I’m certain that the conversations you’ve had among yourselves were far more interesting than anything I’ve shared. I hope I haven’t been too boring, and I truly hope that beyond this joint gathering, Tirana continues to develop more bilateral relationships with all the cities here and with others as well. Despite our geographic locations across Europe, we share many similar challenges. This everyday life creates opportunities for experiences that accumulate simultaneously in multiple places, allowing us to share not only successes but also failures with each other and learn from one another in order to avoid mistakes, and to multiply the right decisions and successes.

Thank you again! And a personal thank you to Barcelona and Amsterdam, as they are two cities where I have learned a great deal. I believe that what we accomplished in Tirana during that period wouldn’t have been the same, nor would it have contributed to the revitalization of Tirana, without the relationship and communication with Barcelona and Amsterdam.

Thank you!




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