Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Starting June 1, citizens will be allowed to move freely without permits and the vehicle movements will be allowed all over the territory of country, preschools, kindergartens and a series of activities and businesses will reopen, as well as the land borders, whereas the mandatory two-week quarantine rule will be lifted, except certain specific cases.

Starting June 1, beaches will be open and accessible under strict safety guidelines according to a plan that includes entire coastline as a safe area. Sports championships will resume without the public. Parks, education and cultural training centres, and internet cafes, as well as gyms will reopen under strict safety guidelines.

Time limits for the citizens and businesses at weekend will be lifted, yet residents from the red zones will not be allowed to travel or drive to the green zones during this weekend, but these limitations will be lifted starting Monday. Public transportation will remain restricted and a special guideline is being prepared with the Ministry of Transport and will be unveiled to the public soon.

All indoor cultural activities, cinemas, theatres, night clubs, water pools, large public gatherings, wedding parties, conferences and public hearings will remain cancelled until June 23.

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