Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Today, the Council of Ministers approved the 2017-2020 action plan against the cultivation and trafficking of cannabis.

This plan represents a strategic document of the Albanian Government that will guide cross-institutional efforts against the cultivation and trafficking of cannabis in our country.

The plan will finalize a process initiated by Prime Minister Edi Rama, and strongly supported by our international partners, whom I take the opportunity to greet and thank for their valuable contribution.

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Order no. 170 dated 23.11.2016, a cross-ministerial group led by the Deputy Prime Minister, and a group of experts from all institutions led by Advisor to the Prime Minister Sander Leshi, have worked on drafting the plan. This intensive process has involved many experts from the EU and other organizations and partner countries.

Through this plan, the Albanian government envisages taking all the necessary measures to prevent the cultivation and trafficking of cannabis in the country.

Cultivation and trafficking of cannabis has been identified as a phenomenon in Albania since 1991. The following years have been a constant duel between law enforcement institutions and networks of trafficking groups.

The official toleration and open political support to the cultivation of cannabis in Lazarat of the district of Gjirokastra, and even beyond until 2013, has created favourable conditions for criminal groups that for more than a decade have managed to consolidate finances, networks, markets and political ties.

The negative model created in Lazarat has influenced a lot not only in strengthening criminal groups and networks, but also in encouraging the cultivation of cannabis in other regions of the country.

The result of a successful crackdown against criminal groups and networks in Lazart in 2014 was that the criminal energy concentrated in this region propagated in other parts of the country.

The main emphasis of the National Plan against Cannabis is a joint interagency effort for a comprehensive / frontal crackdown that aims to identify, detect and destroy criminal groups and networks that are active in the field of cultivation and trafficking of cannabis.

Starting this year, the State Police, law enforcement bodies and all other related institutions will engage in a wide and combined operation, I emphasize combined, which will provide early identification and crackdown of the efforts for cultivation or trafficking.

The operation will be carried out by the Central Task Force and the Local Task Force consisting of State Police Forces, intelligent service, the army, structures of the sectors of agriculture, environment, local government, international partners, etc.

The plan envisages serious measures for all officials of the central and local level who fail to manage and control effectively the territory for which they are responsible. In addition, the implementation of the plan will be accompanied by an assessment process and the vetting of officials who are responsible in this area.

The identification and seizure of assets generated by criminal activities is an important criterion to measure the degree of success in dealing with the phenomenon of cannabis.

In addition to the crackdown of criminal groups, networks and finances that encourage and organize cultivation and trafficking, the Plan pays a special attention to measures that contribute to deterring people from being involved in illegal activities in this area.

The National Plan against Cannabis has defined a very broad package of measures aimed at public awareness, promoting and supporting legitimate economic activity in areas and communities affected, easing the fiscal burden and social support for individuals and communities at risk.

International cooperation is regarded as an important priority for the success of the effort against cannabis.

The implementation of the National Plan against Cannabis is an important priority of our Government and institutions. 2017 will undoubtedly mark a significant peak in the fight against the phenomenon of cannabis in Albania.

I take this occasion to invite all citizens, actors of civil society, media and international partners to join the efforts of the institutions and contribute to achieving the vision for having “Albania free from narcotic plants, where dignity, the welfare and safety of citizens are based on honest work and respect for law”, a vision on which the new plan is based.

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