The picturesque village of Rehove in Kolonje, well-known throughout Albania for its landscape, handicrafts, hospitality, special cuisine and its well-preserved rich and beautiful heritage, impresses both local and foreign visitors. Local villagers, many of them immigrants who have been away to the United States of America for more than a century, inherited their commitment to contribute through funding to public works for rural development.
Prime Minister Edi Rama today stopped over in Rehove, one of the most beautiful oases of the country, where he was extended a warm welcome by a group of local residents who have made their village a very well-known destination throughout Albania and a wider region through their work, ideas, commitment to nature and preservation of traditions.
Kolonje Mayor Erion Isai said that the village of Rehove is known throughout the country for its handicrafts, hospitality, special delicacies, natural beauties, well-preserved rich and beautiful heritage to this day. “Many local men have emigrated to the United States in early 1900 and they established an association named after their village and they raised funds and contributions each year and sent them to support public works back home. By end of 1930, the village of Rehove was urbanized with sewerage systems, water supply network, streets and roads,” Isai said, adding that although many local residents have emigrated to live and work abroad, or many have moved to other Albanian cities, they have transformed their private family homes into guesthouses by preserving traditions.
On his part, Prime Minister Rama said that with construction of the new road, the picturesque village could become the newest and pretty attractive discovery for visitors. “Rehove could become a very attractive tourist destination. With completion of the new road, as the construction work has advanced, and with the travel distance significantly shortened, this would become the newest destination for local and international visitors,” the Premier said.