A new approach to better care quality and a new management have changed the overall conditions in the day care centres for children in Tirana in the last two years. 32 nurseries and 27 kindergartens have been reconstructed in two years, the dietary requirements have improved, as well as the quality of the attention to children thanks to an increased staff who does ongoing training.
Prime Minister Edi Rama and Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj visited one of these kindergartens, namely the kindergarten no. 38 located in Kombinat. The conditions of this structure were terrible until two years ago, with the roof falling down, while humidity made them even tougher during winter. Following the reconstruction made by the Municipality of Tirana one year ago, the structure provides totally new premises to the children attending it.
“When we came here in August 2015, the ceiling was about to fall down. There was a lot of humidity. The kindergarten was entirely outdated. Instead of the fence, which is very important, there were just some wires. After the intervention of the Municipality in August 2016, the kindergarten has been thoroughly reconstructed, and its premises are totally new”, Zhaneta Beqiri, Director of the Economic Centre for the Development and Education of Children, says.
Prime Minister Edi Rama and Mayor Erjon Veliaj surprised the children by serving them launch, the menu of which was today rich and healthy just like any other day. Attention to providing meals completed with all the elements necessary for a healthy development of children, is an added value of these institutions.
“Some parents prefer public kindergartens to private ones because of the meals. One of them is the French ambassadors who told me that his child was attending a private institution, but he decided to switch to a public one because of how meals are cooked here. Everything is fresh, coming right from the farmers’ market. Since even ambassadors choose public institutions, and they don’t do it to save money, I think we’ve moved to the next stage”, Mayor Veliaj says.
The number of applications to kindergartens managed by the municipality is increasing, but according to director Beqiri priority is given to families in need.
“We would like to admit everybody, but we have to take into account the ratio between physical space and human resources. There are currently 2800 infants in the nurseries in Tirana, and 4700-4800 children attending kindergarten. Unfortunately the availability/demand ratio is 1 up to 10. Our major concern is choosing to whom give priority: to the people receiving financial allowance and to the families in need”, director Beqiri says.
“I thank you, and you have all my respect! We’re not the best, but we haven’t seen any better”, Prime Minister Rama said, while assuring increased care for children in all preschool institutions across the country.