Albanian Government Council of Ministers

All the online public services for the citizens and businesses and government websites in Albania have been fully restored and are normally accessible after almost four weeks of intense counterattacks against a massive and synchronized cyber attack.

Currently, 1214 out of a total of 1225 online services provided via the governmental e-Albania platform are now all available and easily and fully accessible for the citizens and businesses. 

The e-Albania platform is now also accessible for users and applicants outside the territory of the Republic of Albania and anyone can now apply for a total of 36 consular services.

The following services are fully operational:

–disability payment verification letter;

– Water bill payment for Tirana Water Supply and Sewerage Company (UKT);

– Applications for the construction permits (e-permits), assessment of the impact on the environment and the use of water resources;

In the meantime, a team of engineer are working to restore the last remaining services to normal, such as: issuing diploma and certificates from international institutions.

In order to ensure further continued administrative procedures for the types of applications uploaded on the e-permits system, pursuant to the Council of Ministers’ decision number 430, dated 11.7.2018 “On the creation of the state database for the electronic permit system (e-permit)”, the Territory Development Agency (AZHT), in the capacity of the Technical Secretariat of the National Territory Council, in cooperation with the National Information Society Agency (AKSHI):

▪ provides legal and procedural assistance to Municipalities and institutions with access to the web-based e-permit system;

▪ drafts the relevant instruction on the basis of which all stakeholders participating in the process will operate, which is sent for review and approval to the National Territory Council. 

The National Information Society Agency once again expresses its gratitude to the team that managed to recover and restore, in a record time, all public online services, as well as the special Microsoft team for their assistance during all these days. 

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