Directorate for Finance and Contracting of EU Assistance in the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of European Affairs, in cooperation with the State Agency of Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination of the Republic of Albania invite you to apply for joint projects under the Fourth Call for Proposals within the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Montenegro-Albania 2014-2020.
The overall objective of this call is to promote/strengthen good neighborly relations and socioeconomic development of the border regions, through valorizing its touristic potentials and socially inclusive economic development, with respect for its common cultural and natural heritage.
Funds in the amount of 2.8 million EUR are available under this call and are committed to the following thematic priorities (TP):
TP1: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage;
TP3: Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across the border.
In order to support development of capacities, policy implementation and governance on the local level, each project partnership must include at least one public entity operating on the local level (per each Country), as partner or associate to the action.
The deadline for submitting project proposals is June 15, 2023.
The application package is available for download from the following internet addresses: