Albanian Government Council of Ministers

“It is a great honour for all of us to live this historical period for the Albanian national team, and it is a much greater honour for me and, I believe, for all those who have been fortunate enough to be familiar with Gianni De Biasi.”

With these words Prime Minister Edi Rama addressed today at the ceremony organized in the residence of the Italian Embassy to Tirana, where the medal “Ordine Stella d’Italia” was awarded to the coach of the National Football Team, Gianni De Biasi.

The medal was awarded to coach De Biasi by the President of Italy “for his contribution to the relations between Italy and Albania, his interest in the development of sport in Albania, and for his contribution in the growth of the Albanian sport.”

“I’m proud – Gianni De Biasi said – for as it was mentioned, I believe that we have created a bridge between the two countries. There is a sea dividing us, but we are united by the same mind set.”

Ambassador Alberto Cutillo noted that “Italy and Albania, in a difficult moment of the European Union, where some countries are thinking about to leave, these two countries think that they can be there together. Of course it is not just merit of the coach, it is also merit of the players, but he succeeded before us, before politics, to make Albania part of the map of Europe. It would be enough to fully justify this award to De Biasi.”

“We are all honoured for this title because we do not forget that Gianni is an Albanian citizen, and therefore the Italian President is honouring also our fellow citizen”, Prime Minister Rama said and closed with a prediction: “I expect great things for the next European Championship. In the upcoming European Championships Albania would be as if it were playing football in the finals, as well as in terms of negotiations it will be closer to Europe than today, hoping that the Union will be there. But regardless of the Union, the finals will be such so that Albania will be at least in the European finals with the giants of Europe.”

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