Albanian Government Council of Ministers

A newly established edifice in the centre of Rubik, is the first pit stop of every visitor, national and foreign alike. Built after a tower shape in order to preserve tradition of the region it is the new centre of information, the Info-Kulla (Info-Tower). Structured into several wards it displays the region’s historic, cultural, traditional identity as well as geographic, economic and life style features. Prime Minister Edi Rama paid a visit to closely see the information tower serving as a referral to tourists, upon his visit to the northern region of Mirdita. The Premier accompanied by the mayor Ndrec Dedaj and the Minister of Education and Sports, Lindita Nikolla were presented to the information the tower provides towards its visitors. It showcases different moments of history, among which even the infamous Spac prison via an installation-like exhibition. Tourist tours offered to visitors is the follow-up phase of such information access point, according to its director. “The follow-up phase of this information tower will be tourist tours in order to develop and promote tourism in the region. Paying a visit at Spac prison is a model of these tours without neglecting Rreshen town. There will also be hiking patterned-like tours,” the director said.

Prime Minister Rama praised the role model Info-Tower should give in all municipalities in the country. “Any municipality can find its own distinguishing feature to set up a similar centre and connect into a network through digital technology, in order to have a cutting edge information boom-source to tourists,” the Premier said.

In her part, Minister Nikolla said that Info-Kulla (Info-Tower) will serve in the function of a culture laboratory to the region’s school pupils.

Agro-tourism is of a pivotal focus in this northern region in Albania which should be harnessed much more through investments of entrepreneurs to induce an expected economic and social transformation. “I am convinced that through agro-tourism programme we will establish foundations to a huge transformation in the forthcoming decennial, as actually, it is the best opportunity displayed ahead especially to regions where intensive agricultural products is nowadays impossible thus agricultural export-based work is not the idea to perform on, instead tourism must turn into the largest exported good,” Prime Minister Rama said.

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