Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Newly-built healthcare centre in Belsh meets contemporary standards 

A newly-built healthcare centre in the town of Belsh finalizes the first phase of the National Programme on Reconstruction of 300 healthcare facilities across the country, thanks to which 300 primary healthcare centres have been built-back to meet co...

Determined to put an end to mismanagement of water supply system

Prime Minister Edi Rama’s remarks at meeting with mayors to discuss issues concerning water supply to residents all over the country:   Hello everyone! Today we are holding a tripartite meeting between the central government representatives, t...

Prime Minister Edi Rama’s remarks in parliament

Kryeministri Edi Rama në Parlament: -Replikë Kanti thotë “Kur dikush të akuzon për diçka që nuk e ke bërë, ose e ka bërë vetë, ose do ta bënte vetë në vendin tënd”. Kur vihesh përballë akuzash të tilla, është në fakt barra e...

PM Rama visits Mosque and tomb of Muhammad Ali in Egypt 

Prime Minister Edi Rama, on a visit to Egypt, visited the Great Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha, the Albanian-born governor and a prominent personality in history of Egypt, who is considered the founder of modern Egypt.  The Premier got acquainted with...

Time to give final blow to mismanagement of cities cleaning 

Prime Minister Edi Rama’s remarks at meeting with mayors and prefects:   Thank you very much, Mrs. Minister! The current state of affairs is clear to everyone, I believe. Nothing new was underlined in the sense that there is no Albanian citize...

Anniversary of Germany’s Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Albania

Prime Minister Edi Rama’s remarks at ceremony marking anniversary of Germany’s Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Albania:   The Head of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tirana Office actually ruined my speech, because she started her opening speech ...

Public consultation with pupils and students in Durres

Remarks by Prime Minister Edi Rama at meeting in Durres as part of a country-wide public consultation recently launched with pupils and high school students to discuss a new National Youth Strategy 2022-2029:   Hello everyone! Thank you very muc...

Prime Minister Rama in Parliament

Prime Minister Edi Rama’s remarks at parliament’s plenary session:   First of all, it is really regrettable to hear this logorrhoea instead of “the good morning greetings after being the last to come into this hall, Mr. Lulzim, and I have ...

500,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine set to arrive by mid-October 

Prime Minister Edi Rama today welcomed the CEO of pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Albert Bourla on a visit to Albania to closely inspect premises at Mother Teresa University Hospital in Tirana where the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccines are being stored and en...

Government plan to protect Albanian families from energy crisis

Address by Prime Minister Edi Rama:   Dear fellow citizens, Few days ago, I shared a direct message with you over an emerging fierce energy crisis because of the skyrocketing electricity price in the international markets. I stand before you tod...

Prime Minister’s communication after extraordinary cabinet meeting

Press conference by Prime Minister Edi Rama after cabinet meeting:   Thank you! Today we held an extraordinary cabinet meeting, outside of the regular weekly calendar, to make a decision and declare a state of emergency in the energy sector and...

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