Today, Prime Minister Rama visited the headquarters of the Albanian Muslim Community, where in a ceremony organized by the Community, he gave the building permit which paves the way for the commencement of works for the construction of the Grand Mosque in the capital city.
The Prime Minister addressed the audience with an opening speech, which was attended by leaders of religious communities in the country, as well as Muslim believers.
At its conclusion, the Prime Minister handed over the building permit to the President of the AMC Skender Brucaj, being confident that the long-awaited project for over 20 years by Muslim believers will have all the commitment of the Community to be carried out successfully.
“You have the right to behave like St. Thomas who would not believe without touching, since the works for the great mosque became a long history in this office and in this building, there were so many men apparently big, not for their height but for the power, who kept talking about permit: “the permit was given”, “the permit was not given”, “we will give the permit”, “we will not give the permit”.
I can tell you this – here is finally the construction permit for the New Mosque, which as true as the two headed eagle and the helmet of Skanderbeg on the cover of this folder.
Starting from this moment, there is only one person responsible for any delay. His name is Skender Brucaj” – Prime Minister Edi Rama said jokingly.
Then, Prime Minister Rama accompanied by leaders of the AMC went to the place where the Great Mosque of the Capital is expected to be built. The Prime Minister urged that the new project of the Mosque be placed there for the public to be acquainted more in detail with it. The Public Park and the Museum of Cohabitation will be a novelty of this project for citizens of Tirana.
“Starting from today the new project must be displayed to the public. The new project is totally different from the old one, because there will be a large public park for citizens and also a museum of Cohabitation. So it is very important for the citizens to see the project”- the Prime Minister said.