Prime Minister Edi Rama visited the newly-reconstructed Petro Nini Luarasi high school in the town of Kolonje, a modern high education complex meeting contemporary standards for habitability and education with classrooms, laboratories, a well-equipped gym and sports grounds.
Kolonje Mayor Erjon Isai said that reconstruction of this school and the school in Leskovik completes the renovation of educational facilities in the municipality of Kolonje. “Education comes first for every family in Kokonje. With the reconstruction of educational facilities we have provided the decent contemporary conditions teachers and students deserve,” Mayor Isai said.
The government head also inspected the completion of a series of Urban Renaissance projects in several neighbourhoods, urban requalification of public spaces, the buildings’ façade rehabilitation and insulation. “The Urban Renaissance projects have given citizens hope and the feeling that this town deserves attention. The projects have also increased value of their properties,” Isai added.
Meanwhile, the former nursery school, a dilapidated building in ruins over the past 17 years, has been transformed into a new social centre with a capacity of 48 beds to serve the town for special needs.
Leskovik is another village where providing 24-hour water supply to inhabitants is now a reality after successful completion of the water supply system in the town of Erseke. Local residents had been facing water shortages over the decades as the old water supply system, built with an old-fashioned technology, was totally degraded.
A new modern water supply system, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensures 24-hour supply to local residents.
“The service line connection for every customer in Leskovik is set to complete on April 15 providing constant drinkable water supply thanks to a totally modern network, built for the very first time in history of Leskovik. This is because local residents faced water shortage even when the existing water supply system was built. More than 2000 local residents will receive 24-hour water supply starting April 15,” Kolonje Mayor Isai informed as he accompanied Prime Minister Rama during visit to new water supply system in Leskovik.
Residents in 34 villages in the municipality of Kolonje will receive 24-hour water supply in one year thanks to the ongoing investments. “Kolonje will be the first municipality in the Republic of Albania to ensure 24-hour water supply within this year,” Mayor Isai said.
On his part, PM Rama noted that with the construction sites already launched we will ultimately tackle the water supply plight in all urban centres across the country. “I am very happy that an end is being put to the old legend of water supply. As many as 120 construction sites have been launched throughout Albania. The National Water Programme is being implemented from north to south and all urban centres. Meanwhile, residents in 34 villages here will receive constant potable water supply,” the Premier said.
During his visit to the town of Leskovik, PM Rama met with local residents who were walking along the newly rehabilitated pedestrian street, part of the Urban Renaissance projects there. Kolonje Mayor Erjon Isai highlighted a series of projects currently being implemented in the area.
“We will soon kick off construction of the road between Erseke and Leskovik as part of the southeast axis. The power substation, an investment funded by the Power Distributor Operator, has become fully operational, ultimately solving the long-time power shortages,” Isai said.