Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Deputy PM visited today the city of Laç and inaugurated the road Laç – Milot, a project implemented by the Albanian Development Fund. Talks with representatives of the local government and residents of Laç focused on the Territorial and Administrative Reform and on how it will affect the increase of capacities of the local government to draw development policies and to better manage citizen services.

A very key issue discussed was the need to draw plans for the development of the new local government units in order to use at maximum the opportunities created by the Territorial and Administrative Reform.

“We came here both to see the completed road which is a very important road and connects Milot with Laç, and to tell that this road should not be enough for us but we must have a plan for the new municipality, the enlarged municipality. I myself come from the local government. I used to be mayor and I know what it means when administrative borders of a municipality grow, when the budget is increased, as well as opportunities and capabilities to make projects and to invest.” – Deputy PM said.

The problem of water supply and aqueducts management as one of the most vital services provided by the local government was a major concern addressed during the talks. In replying, Deputy PM said that the reform will have a positive impact on these services and on people.

“The aqueduct problem is even more dramatic than the electricity problem. The Territorial Reform will help a lot also in this aspect. There will be not anymore boards, municipality representations that do not look at the water supply system as a vital enterprise to be managed, but look at who will be director and who will he or she hire. By creating larger municipalities, the smaller enterprises of water supply will group together, will integrate with each-other, will lower administrative costs, will improve performance and I believe that the reform will affect them in a very positive way.” – Deputy PM Peleshi said.

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