Albanian Government Council of Ministers

Press Statement of Minister of State for Public Administration and Innovation, Milena Harito:

The progress report was very good news for what we have achieved so far in the process of reforming the Public Administration in Albania. It is a confirmation of the progress achieved in these two years of governance.

Progress in Public Administration has been assessed at the highest level among the 5 priorities, as moderately prepared, but it is at the same level exactly with Serbia and Montenegro, countries that have already opened negotiations.

Put simply, as far as the issues of Public Administration are concerned, we are at the level required to launch negotiations.

Certainly, to have an administration professionally detached from political influence and committed to serving citizens is essential for the development of the country, but it is also a very difficult challenge, especially in terms of what we have inherited from the 23-year long transition.

We have inherited a system without rules, an administration trampled and politicized, and especially, a complete lack of attention to the citizen.

The progress report assesses the good performance, not only following the adoption of a comprehensive strategy and of the new Code of Administrative Procedure, which was delayed for years, but above all, following the implementation of practices in the recruitment system in the Public Administration. This is what Albania has always been missing, the implementation of laws. We have today a completely open, transparent and merit-based process, which is already a good model for the region.

This essential step in the reform of the public administration in Albania is summarized by the progress report with this phrase:

“Continue to demonstrate a transparent and merit-based recruitment and dismissal process in the Civil Service.”

But even more important for the government it is that this achievement is reflected in the restored public confidence in the competitions of the Department of Public Administration, where 24 thousand people have applied over a year, thus becoming witnesses of a system that provides everyone equal opportunities.

However, the European Union confirmation is very significant for those who are still skeptical about the reforms undertaken, or worse, for those who only have the aim at covering in mud the work done.

Of course, this evaluation makes us feel very good, as it is a positive remark on our tiring work of these two years. But we are aware that there is no room for complacency, because the road towards a final goal is still very, very long. It continues with the full efficiency of the system of Human Resource Management that we introduced a few days ago, which has already been implemented in the line ministries but will be extended to the whole system of the public administration, and with the strict implementation of the new Code of Administrative Procedure.

We are determined to not waste a moment and to deepen the reform with a more rapid pace in order to reach the European standard everyone has been seeking.

Thank you!

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