336 apartments are being delivered to the residents of Kruja, whose old houses were damaged by the earthquake. Prime Minister Rama together with the Deputy Prime Minister, at the same time Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku and the director of the Albanian Development Fund, Dritan Agolli, were in this new neighborhood to hand over the keys to the new apartments for some of the residents.
“Here Prime Minister, we have 19 buildings which have 336 units of three typologies, i.e. 1+1, 2+1 and 3+1. While we are also ready with the internal urban infrastructure that was part of this package”, said Deputy Prime Minister Balluku.
Prime Minister Rama met some of the citizens benefiting from the Reconstruction Program, who expressed gratitude for the work done. “We thank you very much, Mr. Prime Minister, for the commitment you and your government made to face the situation in which we were in difficulty and the solution came.”
Each building is also equipped with underground parking, while the draw continues for all the beneficiary residents. “The important thing is that these have turned into a neighborhood with all their functions, along with underground parking. There are also mini squares here that will eventually turn into corners for children. This is an urban element, beyond the reconstruction and social aspect of housing”, said Agolli.
In Kruja, this is the neighborhood that concludes the Reconstruction Program, which has created the optimal conditions for families to have their new, stronger, more beautiful, and above all, free home.