Prime Minister Edi Rama attended this evening the award ceremony of the 9th World Championship of Free Flight, which took place in Vlora at the presence of important personalities of the political and cultural life of the country.
This event concluded a 10-day marathon full of flight and competition emotions, in which 1200 flights were carried out by pilots from 28 countries, as some new world records were reached.
In his address, Prime Minister Edi Rama congratulated the organizers of the championship, especially its chairman, a prominent exponent of the free flight sport Alket Islami. “I want to say that despite the great respect for all these champions who came up here, and for all those who are attending, there is a person who has the real credits, and they are neither the credits of the government, nor the of the municipality, or of anybody else, but only of the master who is standing next to me. Because flying after the first one is easy, but being the first to fly, is a problem. He is the first bird we saw flying in the sky, and then we found him among us, and I really want to thank Alket for his ability to be crazy all the way, and I’m convinced that he will grow old crazy, and will die crazy.”