Prime Minister Edi Rama’s remarks to reporters following Parliament’s plenary session on voting amendments to the Criminal Code to cope with a pandemic situation:
-Mr. Prime Minister, President Ilir Meta made several proposals for the changes to the Criminal Code. What is your opinion on them?
Prime Minister Edi Rama: I think a very good job was done in the context of the situation, and despite all statements, criticism and accusations, we today actually filled a legal vacuum in our Criminal Code that turned out to be the only Criminal Code in Europe without envisaging any written provision in the case of an epidemics and moreover at this stage when we are planning and preparing to usher into a process of gradual reopening of the economic activity and bringing the life back to normality. It was impossible to comprehend without adopting in tandem these measures that safeguard reopening, because what we have noticed in the last 10 days in particular, also in view of the concern expressed by the police officials, who closely monitor and follow situation, as well as by mayors across the country, is a relaxation and a kind of concession that should not become a phenomenon, as it would be extremely dangerous.
Of course, we have scored absolutely excellent results on the frontline of the fight in terms of protecting the population’s health, the health sector, hospitals, the number of infected people needing hospitalization, although we have recorded deaths too and every single life is precious, yet in general, I have got the impression that this situation is being misinterpreted by a part of people, who think we have got away with this situation, nothing happened, let alone some others who are dealing with conspiracy theories. For this reason, we should safeguard reopening, protect people, protect life and of course ease a process that has certainly had a significant impact on the household economy and the national economy. So, in that sense, I think the right thing has been done. We had a long but useful meeting yesterday, in my opinion, and precisely to address this need so that we face no barriers, or legal and procedural delays, we have discussed it with the President and have coordinated work through the Parliament’s experts and the President’s legal office, as well as with other parliamentary groups to achieve a conclusion I think properly addresses the legitimate concerns expressed by other factors, as well as the legitimate need under the current circumstances.
-What the DP leader specifically demanded? Will there be a join of forces?
-Because there are reports about debates…
PM Edi Rama: Why the meeting was to take place if there were no debates …! We didn’t gather to stare and smile without talking to each other. We gathered to discuss, to debate and exchange opinions that are naturally not the same about various aspects, but basically it is not important how much we agree, but the quality of the debate and how and when we do not agree, the way we exchange opinions with each other makes the difference. Therefore, I think that if the tone and the exchange of the opposing opinions and the natural opposing position were to characterize the daily political life, just like it was the case in the last two meetings of the National Security Council, then people would see politics as much more understandable, much more acceptable, and much more trustworthy.