Prime Minister Edi Rama, accompanied by Saimir Tahiri and some local representatives of Baldushk, visited today a farming family known for their success in the production of vegetables grown in greenhouses. The Prime Minister discussed with them about the opportunities to expand the agricultural business, to have a better organization of farmers in the market, as well as about the support offered by government through various projects for agriculture.
The head of the household told that he has invested a lot in his greenhouse, and the success of the business is due to the extraordinary work of the whole family. “I’ve put all my efforts in this farm, and I have invested a lot. We work four-five times a day in these greenhouses”.
He also inquired about the support by the state, and the Prime Minister answered that the National Guarantee Fund is the best mechanism that will give satisfactory results in the consolidation of agricultural businesses. In addition, the Prime Minister noted that the construction of collection points is necessary in order to have a successful market. “We have started with the National Guarantee Fund, and there are over 300 applications in addition to loans issued at very low or zero interests. This is a mechanism that can bring us a lot of results. But in the meantime, what we want to do is make the municipality cooperate with farmers, based on the areas. If this area lacks a collection point, the collection point will have its own conditions, so you won’t be compelled to sell it at any price in order not to make it go to waste.”
The Prime Minister explained that in order to have a guaranteed success in the market and not make products go to waste, farmers must have the will and motivation to join and submit their requests and needs as a single organism in which an important role in their support should be played by the municipality. “The municipality should join the farmers concerned, and make together a project and an application, for instance, zetor tractors, to add metres, to further increase this product and to guarantee its collection, in order to have it later launched in the market. Being the municipality involved in this, there are more financial guarantees although they are loans guaranteed by the government, and the banks are very much interested, so there is no burden on the farmers.
The Prime Minister noted that the municipality should also provide information, so that farmers are properly oriented towards market requirements. “What is most important is that we can inform people through the municipality which knows certain areas, farms, greenhouses, etc. If we agree together to have greenhouses here, we will sell the production together, then it becomes a big farm. And if you there is a point of collection, traders can purchase products directly from there.”