“Mihal Grameno” 9th year school in Tirana, after 17 years of moisture, has been transformed into a modern space of education. Just like in every other school countrywide, distribution of textbooks benefiting 1st to 5th grade pupils for free is well underway. PM Edi Rama accompanied by the mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj visited the 9th year school “Mihal Grameno” in the capital where they saw first- hand this process
“The school building has been transformed beyond recognition and we are so delighted to reach this stage, but also being grateful for your cooperation. While 17 years ago it was merely a flooded basement which needed a pump to get the water out, to date it has changed beyond recognition,” according to the school principal,” according to the school principal.
“What’s left is reconstruction of the sports ground in the backyard,” Prime Minister Rama said.
“Unable to afford investing in both of them simultaneously, we chose to reconstruct the school building first and deal with sports ground thereafter. “Mihal Grameno” has always been among “Top 5,” one of the best five schools. The tendency to bring children to schools with good reputation in ’80s is dropping,” Mayor Veliaj said.
PM went on saying that within a span of 2 years all 9-year education pupils will benefit their textbooks for free. “This year we have included five graders in our project which will extend to include grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the years to come. 2021-2022 will be a milestone in compulsory education with all grades from 1 to 9 provided with free textbooks. I happen to hear people say how come they are not supposed to tear any page off or scribble over them, how come they are not supposed to lose them, do whatever they wish, teachers should get this message across to pupils, the book is their best friend. Everything else comes and go, the book is a real treasure,” PM Rama said.
“Mihal Grameno” 9th year school numbers about 1300 pupils, who attend 38 classes as well as 2 pre-education classes. This school is equipped with a gym, as well as a physics, chemistry, biology and computer lab.