Today, Prime Minister Rama flew to Germany to attend the conference on the Western Balkans that will be held in Berlin. Before the departure, Prime Minister Rama, along with Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati and the Minister of Economy Arben Ahmetaj, delivered a press conference at the airport to present the base platform of the topics to be discussed in this conference.
Prime Minister Edi Rama:
Good afternoon everyone!
Due to the special importance of the following week and the extraordinary responsibility we have as representatives of Albania in the Berlin Conference on the Balkans, I would like to say a few more words compared to what has been said during last week. I would like to emphasize that, firstly, we have submitted to all countries a work document in order to guide and coordinate among us the discussion of the Conference and have a more sustainable product, not only political, but also in the form of an ongoing process, to pull from the journey towards the next station, which will be next year’s conference, a number of good things for our country, but of course for the entire region as well.
Practically, our goal is a new approach to the region, and to all countries in the region that are in the way of integration, so to make possible a new relationship between the EU and the Balkans. This new approach, of course, cannot be unilateral, but it should be bilateral and for this reason we have designed our document based exactly on those columns set preliminarily as basic pillars of the Conference discussion. Of course, the foundation of this Conference is particularly important, since it relates to a new policy that started in the region in a strong impetus of peace and on the simple fact that this is the first year in the region’s history without conflicts among the countries. But, without any doubt, a new relationship must be built on this foundation in order to increase funding for the region.
It is clear that the financial crisis has hit the region and in general financial resources have been provided to halt the crisis and to manage a phase of the economy that without strong alternative sources can hardly have a steady and high growth in the coming decade. This means that the region remains outside the European development. On the other hand, it means that the path of integration for each of the countries will be more difficult, without taking into account the effects that can have strong domestic backlash, in general in the region, due to the lack of speed in the integration process, dictated of course also by the current situation of the United Europe.
There are four areas in our discussion which is based on a structure starting from regional infrastructure, where we have already built a block that includes Kosovo, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia to support the major project of the “Blue Corridor”, connecting south Croatia, Montenegro and Albania to what we call the ring of Mediterranean tourism, but that also provides a strategic axis for the intensive exchange, not only of people but also goods in view of a sustainable economic growth.
We strongly believe that this project is supported by strong arguments. We strongly believe that this project has reached an advanced stage in terms of preference, reliability and ability to be supported. Secondly, the regional rail infrastructure which we have said has a special significance not only for the region but also for Europe. Thirdly, centers or logistics parks and multimodal ports.
Fourthly, a very strong possible incentive to close or narrow the very large gap between the region and the rest of Europe in terms of digital technology and access to technology of companies in the region.
The second pillar is energy, energy security and energy infrastructure. We start from a strong position as a region due to the involvement in the TAP project. But, of course, we must insist to encourage investments, guarantee connection within the region to ensure the involvement not only of the region but also of the EU and the region, in an integrated network of energy, which undoubtedly would have no little influence in the energy stability across our continent.
Third, we will argue the necessity to ensure in the medium and long term funding to support entrepreneurship, but it is particularly important to support growth of vocational education, based on the German model.
Finally, tourism as a vibrant sector of services and a strategic one for the economy of most of the region, but with influence throughout the region, is an important pillar of discussions, where of course we will have our say.
I want to conclude this presentation by saying that we are at a very important moment given the current potential, and because there is a general understanding in the region. This of course is a strong spur for the other party to approach the region in a new attempt so that all together we can take to a new phase the economic and social life of the entire region and make it possible that the whole objective problems of the integration process for each of the countries be offset by a strong regional interaction process as well as economic development and cooperation throughout the region.
For this, we have proposed to go further than the investment framework in the Western Balkans, a structure upon which, without any doubt can be raised a strong governing mechanism in support of the countries of the region and through which, the countries in the region can have an interaction station both with Germany and the entire structure of the EU.
Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati:
Hello everyone!
In addition to what the Prime Minister said, I would like to inform the public that for the first time the EU is being presented a programmatic document from the countries of the region, and in this case from Albania. This shows the local ownership over the process and the way we see the further structuring of this process, mainly in a very important geopolitical circumstance of the region and Europe nowadays.
Nowadays Europe has two threats, one that comes from the east and another coming from the southern border. In southern border but also in the eastern border, we think that the Western Balkan region can be transformed further into a success story. In the political meaning of the word in which discussions of foreign ministers of the region will be focused, as well as discussions of the hosting country and other participating key EU countries, who will discuss on how peace and the normalization process that started in region can further be accompanied by the process of reconciliation in the region, and strengthen regional cooperation that would approach our region with the EU.
The same importance has the current situation of the EU itself, perhaps a kind of program that has been presented by the President of the EC, where it has become clear that in the next 5 years there will be an expansion of the EU. But it is very important that the process of rapprochement of the Western Balkans with the EU be well structured both from the political point of view and as far as its economic character is concerned, in order to transform first of all our countries in a real region, and secondly help physically connect the EU and the region, through concrete projects proposed by Albania in cooperation other regional countries.
Thirdly, the need for diversification of energy sources is a reality that Europe experienced with the crisis in Ukraine and now with that of the Middle East. Here Albania and the region have a key position, especially because Albania is the country where two geostrategic projects, TAP and IAP, will be combined, as well as the new corridors for which we intend to propose and discuss about with Germany and other countries in this conference.
Last but not least, the Balkan region has been transformed to what it is nowadays thanks to the perspective of EU membership, with the support of the USA. We believe that the approach to the EU of the Balkans is not just a strategic interest of the Balkans, but it is a geo-strategic interest of the EU itself. We will try together with other countries to make this clear, not merely through this meeting, but also through the process that we will generate from this meeting.
Thank you!
Minister of Economy, Arben Ahmetaj:
The Berlin Conference is innovative in economic terms because it considers the Balkans not just an issue of security, but for the first time considers it a necessary and very important extension for the European market.
The roundtable of Economy Ministers will focus on the four pillars mentioned by the Prime Minister with the aim to physically approach the market of the Western Balkans, of the entire Balkans to the European market. Infrastructure, be it roads and highways, mainly the Blue Highway, or rail joints that facilitate free movement of people and goods, will be the focus of the first pillar. Firstly, an integrated way with all possible regional and European projects of energy of all kinds, electricity, interconnection of the Balkans and Europe, hydrocarbons with the two major projects TAP and IAP and of course, other energies where the European market needs more, has more sources from the market of the Balkans and from Albania in particular. Secondly, support to entrepreneurship in terms of knowledge transfer and other teaching methodologies in vocational education. The German model is an example. The entire region will tend to pull that knowledge, own it, so that the workforce will align with the needs of the European Union and of the Balkan market on the path to integration.
Tourism is of course an integral part of the Mediterranean sectors. Physically, Balkan tourism is not integrated in itself and in the European tourism market. Infrastructure projects and all four pillars will enable tourism, as a consequence and important objective of the economic development, be a very important part of the economic development of the Balkans, but also an integrated important part of the EU economy.
I want to emphasize once again that the novelty of this conference is that recently, the Balkan region is seen as an important and indispensable market. I want to emphasize that Albania in the Balkans is not seen simply as a country and element of security, but is seen as a promoter of regional development and a promoter of European integration.
Thank you!”
Prime Minister Rama answers to the media:
During these days you have had meetings with your counterparts, but also with other representatives of the governments of the Western Balkan countries. Have you submitted to them this document you will discuss in Berlin and what feedback have you had?
The document, as Foreign Minister noted, is the first of its kind which Albania submits to the European Union and to a forum of this nature, and it has been shared with the German side and of course with all participating governments in the region, as well as with the Commission and all other participants in the conference, who are part of a process that begins with the Berlin Conference, but that will continue as Chancellor Markel said, year after year, to make an evaluation and go forward with this interaction that introduces each of our countries and the whole region, in a new phase of relations with the European Union.
Mr. Prime Minister, given that Kosovo will not be part of this forum, will you have a word for Kosovo?
Secondly, at the beginning of your term you stated that Turkey would be your strategic partner. Given this new era of relations with Germany and the way Turkey is seen by the European Union, is there a change of attitude towards Turkey?
First, I am convinced that Klan Kosovo will react against Klan Tirana for this lack of information, because Kosovo is involved in the conference. I met with Prime Minister Thaçi to tune positions. With this tuned position I went to yesterday’s meeting of Dubrovnik.
Meanwhile, as far as Turkey is concerned, it is true that Turkey is our strategic partner. Turkey, Italy and Greece are three strategic partners to ensure security as well as economic and social development of the region. There is absolutely no difference in this respect.
Remaining at the very important Berlin conference, would you please make a comment about the statement of the President of Austria. I quote the statement: “The lack of tolerance and consensus, the double attitude with demands for higher democratic standards in opposition and authoritarian attitudes in position, waiting instead of taking initiatives only show past mentality and slow down the process of development of democracy and reform. What is your comment to this?
Said by a senior member of the Democratic Party, it is absolutely reliable. Just look at the DP in government and to the DP in opposition, to understand how true it is what the President has said.
Actually, Ms. Merkel did not deny yesterday the fact that Albania is being intercepted. Will you discuss this matter with Mrs. Merkel, outside the conference?
No, I will not. I believe that no one doubts that Germany is not only a deeply democratic country but in a fundamental way, it is an important leader in Europe, a country of paramount importance to the NATO. I believe that no one has forgotten that we are part of the NATO; we are part of the same family of democratic countries that cooperate and fight for more security, and when it comes to safety, there are no limits to the efforts for more information and action to ensure the safety. So, I do not believe that it is appropriate on our part to make a big deal of this issue. Of course, in total alignment with what Chancellor Merkel said, we will exchange information through normal diplomatic channels to clarify this issue. But I want to stress it once more, that no harm can come to Albania if Germany or other allied countries, at this stage of the world’s life and our country’s life, when security is threatened by extremely aggressive and unpredictable factors connected to terrorism, do their job in terms of security.
Mr. Prime Minister, you said, in Dubrovnik that you will speak to the EU with the Balkan language in order to persuade it. How is this language like?
We were together with Croatian Prime Minister who represents an EU country and comes to the conference as a member of the club of European Union member states, while we are not members of the club. So, this will ensure that the language used will be complementary between the language of a country that is a member of the European Union and our language as a country that is not a member of the European Union. There is nothing to be discovered in this statement. But, I have always remained faithful to my belief that United Europe needs Balkans as much as the Balkans needs Europe. The European Union needs Albania, as much as Albania needs Europe. When I say Albania, I mean not only the official Albania, but Albanians who are a factor of extraordinary importance for the region and for Europe, as a result of the major gravity of the region in relation to Albanians.
It is time to appreciate Albanians much more for what they are and have been to the region. I believe that they have been the biggest, most stable and firmest investors of peace in the region, since the very beginning. Certainly, they have tremendous potential, but on the other hand they are also a factor with its fragility due to economic reasons, social reasons or religious ones. And in this regard, we must continue to raise our voice very strongly, that the Albanians are an invaluable asset for Europe, because they are European Muslims and Christians, they are Europeans and as such they deserve more respect and more attention. And to get more respect and more attention, we have practically built a foreign policy that is what you see every day and what has given us concrete results in a rapid improvement of the image of Albania and an increased respect for Albania, despite the problems it has and which we do not deny and never will. This is of particular importance and for this reason I am convinced that this dynamic foreign policy and this constructive approach and, at the same time, dignifying for our identity and in relation to our identity as Europeans, will give us even more concrete and visible results in the future, provided that to someone obtaining candidate status does not seem sufficiently a concrete and visible result, in terms of a shaken Europe due to its own internal earthquakes.
Thank you!