Prime Minister Edi Rama, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Niko Peleshi, in the framework of inspections in some public institutions in Korce, made an unannounced visit to Korce Customs Branch and Immovable Properties Registration Office. Objects and some of the venues of these two institutions offering service directly to citizens have been reconstructed recently.
At the entrance of the customs office, Prime Minister Rama had a pleasant surprise from a citizen working as a nurse who sincerely thanked him for 4200 leke increase of her salary thanks to new tax on incomes. “I used the 42 thousand leke increase enabled the Prime Minister to pay some obligations”, said this employee of healthcare system.
Prime Minister Rama and Deputy Prime Minister Peleshi visited the reconstructed venues of the Customs Office. During a conversation with directors and staff of this institution, they were informed of first efforts of the new team, which were concentrated on solution of most immediate problematic that had caused the reduction of number of subjects using this Office for completion of customs procedures. Head of this office, Erjona Rafta said, “We are now focused on increase of quality, speed and transparency of services offered to business”.
“The working hour for customs clearance service is from 8:00 to 15:00, but indeed it used to be from 8:00 to 12:00 or 13:00. Whereas, now, we have completed procedures even at 10:00 p.m. to assist subjects, depending on their business necessities. Parking fee used to be 2 000 leke and immediately after my appointment in this duty, I have talked and we have agreed to reduce this amount by 50%. Now this fee consists of 1 000 leke. Parking was one of the reasons that had forced subjects before to avoid Korce customs branch affecting the decrease of incomes of this branch. Subjects are now very satisfied because used to pay a considerable amount of money, but do not do it anymore. We have carried out some investments. We covered the weight equipment, because due to its location in an open place the rain and snow used to directly influence in the real weight of the loads of subjects,” – Rafta said.
Next stop was at Immovable Properties Registration. This institution has also been subject to considerable transformation regarding service offered to citizens thanks to investments carried out in reception of citizens, as well as regarding reconstruction of archives of this institution.
Prime Minister Edi Rama was interested in having direct conversations with different citizens present during his visit there asking them about the quality of service offered by this Office. “They work in respect of the regulation. It has changed for the better. There is a major transformation compared to the past,” a citizen said.
Prime Minister asked the staff of this office to pay special attention to behaviour and ethic code of every employee in service of citizen.