Albanian Government Council of Ministers

I would like to share with you my experience with the RAI3 Report program. An intense experience, both humiliating in human terms and challenging in terms of, let’s say professional, although politics for me is not a profession, it is a mission.

It was insulting because beyond the regret, pain from the imposed injustice of being targeted, due to the electoral campaign in Italy and the media war there, to my counterpart at the head of the Italian government, this experience contained a lot of mud for Albania; mud produced here, in Tirana, for the political war against me and our government, and you all know this.

And all that mud exported from here to Italy and exposed on the screen of the Italian Public Service, with all kinds of names of Albanians and with suspicions unsupported by facts, without any interest for the Italian public, which neither knows nor I care who X and Y are in Albania, it was definitely a completely undeserved smear on Albania and Albanians.

Listen, Albania is no longer what it used to be, this can be noticed everywhere, but some who are used to seeing and treating Albania as a third world country, cannot forgive us for our success, liberation from the shadows of the past. That’s why five towers in Tirana seem like 500, because they didn’t even imagine that Tirana would become what it has only just started to look like, that they haven’t seen anything yet. And the only way they find, with the help of the mouths of stateless politicians and their unscrupulous parrots, is to throw mud to paint us as traffickers, criminals…

For me, attacking Albania with half-truths in a foreign language, from anyone and especially from the neighboring countries, where the majority of Albanians in Europe live, is an attack on the name, on the honor, on our national flag, on every Albanian.

Report’s journalists were surprised and confirmed that I didn’t avoid any question, I asked myself, publicly, to confront them. They said that their politicians do not do this and even called it great courage, but in fact mine is not courage, it is pride for Albania and the Albanian name.

The Albanians of Italy, Greece and everywhere else will never have to be alone as long as I am here, in the face of any infringement of the Albanian name. They have suffered a lot to raise their heads and neither they nor Albania will lower their heads again.

We know better than anyone the wounds, problems, flaws and weaknesses that we have and that we struggle with every day. But whoever throws mud on Albania and on the Albanian state, pointing fingers at us as they used to do, must and will always receive our answer. With work, yes, and with words, whenever the need arises. With deeds and with pride every time we talk about Albania.

They said that they had nothing to do with Albania and the Albanian people. Yet, they did damage to Albania and Albanians in the eyes of their entire Italian audience, and if they had not started with this aim, they did.

But whom did the broadcast target?

They targeted their government and so far they are in their sacred right. But what about when they also bring our government into the dance, to say that the agreement between the Italian government and the Albanian government is not only bad, but also it is done with a narco-state, with a government where many of its members are convicted and connected to the mafia, violating not only the truth, but also our state and national honor and dignity.

Cooperation with a handful of Albanians that you know very well, they have no homeland, no religion, no knowledge and no faith, who cannot convince the people here, even though they have been insulting and slandering day and night for years, they are only losing and discredited daily in people’s eyes, RAI 3 gave two disgusting shows of a quasi-investigative journalism.

Dark figures were used as the heroes of these shows, an Italian criminal sentenced to 17 years by the Albanian justice, a fugitive announced as wanted by SPAK, someone locked in house arrest by the special anti-corruption court, one excluded from Vetting in the justice system. Some columnists, veterans of the war with half-truths against me and our government, while they were treated as negative characters of the show, personalities of Italian politics and culture, known and unknown individuals in Albania.

But in the end, the show that looked like a tick-tock soup did not say anything new except the discharge of the sewage of Non Grata politics and the media channels here in Albania, which serve that political scum. There was nothing logically indisputable, let alone legally valid, from this Italian-Albanian pseudo-investigation, justifying at the end that there is no evidence, but there are accusations!

Accusations by whom, on what factual basis, based on what proven truths? A TV show like a democratic version of the infamous State Security investigations, “he said, he said, they say”, “he met that”, “this met that”, “you met them”, “it is said that here this is done”, “they say that these things happen in Albania”, “they were arrested, no they were not arrested”, “they are connected, no they are not connected”, “said two criminals who know him”, “there are accusations of his brother”, “they over there clean the money of those over there”, blah-blah-blah…

But recently, at least the Italian side of this disgusting co-production, affirmed with their own mouth that they are not the ones who think that Albania is a narco-state, they are not the ones directly accusing, but there are others, they are here, among us, while they simply cook a soup with organic Albanian products.

Now I have nothing more with the Italian side, with the Italian journalist, no, no, he came, took me for an interview, served and left. I told them in Italy what that pseudo-investigation of theirs was, I didn’t leave a space and path in the media of a friendly country without hitting their eyes with the truth and as you saw, not only did I not avoid the confrontation, but I posted it uncensored on this site. Because if I had things to avoid or questions to be embarrassed about, I would not stay on my feet to lead Albania.

I say to all Albanians:

Don’t forgive them anymore! Abandon them forever in the solitude of the sewage of their politics. The majority who have abandoned them long ago must get ready to destroy them altogether by vote in the approaching day of popular judgment. The minority that has not yet abandoned them, it is in God’s right not to join the majority if they don’t want to, but not to follow them, because they don’t even need them! They are the embodiment of the spirit of evil that is coming out of the life of Albania, being torn apart in the last twists and turns. This country is dealing with that evil spirit that has been persecuting it since 1912.

Nothing stops Albania anymore and no one determines its future anymore, except for us, the Albanians. Head up and straight ahead!

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