Communism has done too many bad things, but giving a post-mortem “birth” to the communists pretending to be anti-communists is the worst of all things it has ever done. It was not a coincidence at all that Václav Havel used to say that “the most horrible communist is the anti-communist one.”
Listening to some of the previous speakers, who sounded as if they had just been released from a prison camp, I recalled Father Zef Pëllumbi, who once told me: “Do you want to know who collaborated with them the most? Consider just those who raise uproar and complain loudest against them.” And this turns out to be terribly true. It would suffice to consider “the number one howler,” who is absent today, since he doesn’t wish for the secret files, which are defended by SHIK, to open and it would suffice to recall how much he has been yelling and screaming against communist after having had the opportunity to open the secret files for eight years in a row, but he never did so. And the lustration law is nothing but another trick never open the files, as the so-called lustration laws was a barbaric and anti-constitutional and anti-European act that was turned down by the Human Rights Court well before the anti-communist offspring of communism could even try to adopt it.
The lustration is the same as the outcry raised today to supposedly defend Kosovo together with the knife at the Council of Europe, hand in hand with the Russian delegation, to vote that horrible resolution on the alleged organ trafficking.
That lustration law is exactly like the view here in this very room, with Oerd speaking with the laudable sophism characterizing him to turn things upside down by resorting to some norms and principles of a distinguished lawyer that he definitely is, but who after telling him how the mechanism works, you simply bear in mind the fact that he is speaking on behalf of those who are not attending this session.
Where is the “non-grata persona”? Why he fails to come here and vote for revocation and amendment of the Article 4 and clear the way to opening the former Secret Police files, which are records of important individuals and which cannot be declassified, because, as the Information Authority on Former State Security Documents, which was not founded by the Democratic Party, but by the Socialist Party, because this is the irony in the words of Father Zef Pëllumbi, you that yell most, you actually kept the files as classified documents. Although facing your roars, we opened the secret files and one can come across the strangest of things. The files have been opened since 2015. It is just a category of files on high-level state personalities that have yet to open, as these personalities, according to the Authority, have been granted the certificate of moral integrity. However, it turned out to be included in the former State Security documents and this case calls for immediate reaction. That’s why we are here. We are not here to open these files, which have been already opened since 2015. I will explain what it is about, although you know it quite well.
The citizen I.M. with whom you are involved in the “rouble gate” scandal. Do you wish to know who he is? It could be him, it could be not. Do you wish to refer the case to the Supreme Court? Why refer to the Supreme Court when we can amend this Article and we all and the Party of Freedom can breathe a sigh of relief, should the citizen I.M. be not the one they say to be.
Since 2015, all the communist persecution victims without any exception enjoy the right to file a request and be provided with their secret file. Yet there is a limitation that we will remove today under the proposal, not tabled by us, to declassify the so-called communist-era state secrets.
Is there any reason why the Party of Freedom or the “freedom of party” refuses to come here and back this proposed legislation? Why? This is for a simple reason. This is exactly because that political party, together with the other political party in opposition, have never been willing to open these files, they have never been willing to shed light on all the shadows, because they have wished for these ghosts to move around and the more these ghosts of the past, the stronger the screams against these ghosts. Not only that, but you may have these ghosts on your side, but you still keep yelling against them. And therefore, thanks to communism, a school of oratory thrived for over 30 years and we had the chance to witness it today.
We are here to remind you of the reason why we came to this point. The one to lead us to this process was the citizen I.M.. An I.M. surfaced leaving room for plentiful speculation as to who this individual with the initials I.M. is? Is he the one everyone thinks, or is he someone else? And everyone easily found and understood who he was and there is a barrier for this citizen with the initials I.M.
All the files of this category should be declassified and everyone be provided a relieving answer and not a further compromising one and God forbid that we find out that this citizen I.M. has been around for 30 years and he has been holding the highest positions in the state’s pyramid over the last 30 years.
He has been serving as a state secretary, as a minister, a deputy prime minister, as a parliament speaker. Is there any other state position left? Yes, he became the president of the country too! God forbid if it turns out to be him! Therefore, it is pretty simple and there is no need to complicate it in vain and this is another reason to clearly find out who is who in this huge theatre stage, because, first of all, the “non-grata persona”, together with the radical ant-legal faction. But they all took refuge as soon as they heard the word “open the files”. They were unable to handle it at all. And this is certainly for a good reason, for many good reasons indeed. And secondly, how one can possibly tell Albanians he is fighting for dignity, while he himself avoids a very simple confrontation with the truth, whatever it may be.
No. They choose to run away immediately. He could be now together with the citizen I.M. I hope he is not with him now. The thing about the state secrets is craziness and as such it will end now. There will no longer be secrets from that time. Do you wish to open the secret files? Yes, you can do so. You can take it, take a look and read it. This is also the best way to limit awarding titles, orders and gratitude medals by law, because inappropriate and unnecessary things have happened. This way all the mayors, prefects would refrain from awarding undeserved medals. We can also review the names of the institutions, schools etc.
Is there any reason for you not to vote for these amendments? There is only one reason. It is the same prevailing reason over the past 32 years. It is the same thing I happened to hear myself at the stadium on January 15, when I was delivering a speech and the next “non-grata persona” said: “tell him to open the secret files.” It was something really abstract back then. Therefore the louder you yell and scream against communism; the more you seem to have been involved with communism or with its anti-communist offspring.